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Beomgyu was oddly quiet today.

Heeseung glanced at his phone again just as his laptop screen flashed red, alerting him that his character had died. He turned off the game and leaned back in his chair. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Beomgyu whispered, almost in a trance-like state.

Heeseung scoffed, knowing full well that the older boy was in fact, not okay. "Hang on a sec."

He pulled up Spotify on his laptop and began playing one of their favorite songs from Beomgyu's gaming playlist. "Come on. Dance with me."

"I can't," Beomgyu mumbled.

"Fine, then sing with me. Say it, Gyu. I feel good."

Beomgyu tearfully smiled. "I feel good."

"Hell yeah, you feel good." Heeseung made a thumbs up, bopping his head to the beat of the music. "I feel good."

Beomgyu quietly laughed at the younger boy's antics. He waited for the song to end before speaking again. "Heeseung... Do you think you can come over?"

"To the TXT dorm?" Heeseung frowned. "Now?"

Beomgyu nodded. "Please. I know it's late and you don't have to, but-."

"I'll be there in ten." Heeseung bit his lip, glancing over at his bedroom door. "Fifteen if Jungwon catches me."

Beomgyu cracked a smile. "Thanks, Hee."


"So, what do you want to do?" Heeseung asked in a hushed voice. He took a seat beside Beomgyu on the couch of TXT's living room, careful not to wake any of the boys sleeping in the bedrooms across the hall.

"Watch a movie," Beomgyu whispered, setting up his laptop on the coffee table in front of them. He hit play and curled up beside Heeseung, who blushed.

"You wanna lie down?" He quietly asked.

Beomgyu nodded and they fell to the side, Heeseung slipping one arm under Beomgyu's head, and the other around his waist. They silently watched the movie, light from the screen illuminating their faces through the darkness. Eventually, the quiet sniffles emitting from the boy in front of Heeseung turned into deep, peaceful breathing.

"Beomgyu?" Heeseung murmured.

No response.

He smiled, reaching over the sleeping boy to shut his laptop. "Gyu, come on. You should move to your bed before someone finds us."

"Mm?" Beomgyu quietly stirred, flipping over to face Heeseung. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah." Heeseung blushed as their bodies pressed together.

Beomgyu suddenly rested his forehead against Heeseung's shoulder, his eyes fluttering shut like he was breathing in the scent of his cologne

"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly.

"Yes," Heeseung breathed.

The older boy tugged him closer and their lips met in the dark, a secret shared by only the two of them. Heeseung's hands were everywhere on Beomgyu; his arms, his legs, his waist. Beomgyu didn't hold back either, cupping Heeseung's cheeks between delicate palms. His fingertips buried themselves in a mop of bed hair. They were like that when Taehyun found them, flicking on the light in a quest to retrieve a cup of water from the kitchen.

Beomgyu sat up in a start, untangling himself Heeseung. "Taehyun!"

Taehyun only stared, a ripple of disgust crossing his face.

"Tyun-" Heeseung started.

"You're an asshole, Taehyun." Beomgyu's voice shook with anger. "Get out."

"Beomgyu," Heeseung whispered, gently tugging at the older boy's sleeve. "Don't-"

"Get out, Taehyun!" Beomgyu shrieked. He flung a pillow at the younger boy. "Get out, get out, get out!"

Taehyun backed out of the room, mouth hung open in shock. As soon as they were alone again, Beomgyu collapsed into Heeseung's arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I hate him," he whimpered. "He's going to tell our managers."

"He won't," Heeseung murmured, stroking Beomgyu's hair. "It's going to be okay."


"Heeseung, you have to do something." Yeonjun pursed his lips. "They haven't talked in three days. Beomgyu refuses to even look at him."

Heeseung frowned. "Why are they fighting?"

"Because of you," Kai grimaced. "Beomgyu hyung's convinced that Taehyun did some mortal harm to you, and now he won't stop with the snarky comments, the side-eyes, and the dirty looks."

Soobin let out a deep breath. "And today at dance practice... Everything kind of blew up. This can't keep happening, Heeseung. We called you over because we're hoping he'll talk to you. He's totally shut himself off from us."

Heeseung nodded understandingly. "I can try."

He followed Soobin out of the kitchen, biting his lip at the immediate sense of hostility that befell them in the living room.

"Can I go now?" Beomgyu grumbled. "This is a waste of time."

"Gyu..." Heeseung took a seat next to the older boy. "What happened at dance practice today?"

"The choreographer said that the treacherous deceiver and I would share a dance break for our next comeback. Naturally, I was upset by that and I might have said a few words that were hurtful, but deserved."

Taehyun looked down, his hands fiddling in his lap. He kept quiet.

"Beomgyu," Soobin sighed. "I don't know what Taehyun did to you, but you need to talk it out with him like an adult. This isn't kindergarten; enough with the name-calling."

"It's not what he did to me; it's what he did to Heeseung! He's an asshole. A homophobic asshole."

"I'm not-"

"Shut up, Taehyun." Beomgyu glared at the younger boy. "You practically vomited when you saw Heeseung and I kissing on the couch. And the way you blocked him because you thought he had a crush on you? You're so full of yourself; honestly, it's sickening."

Taehyun stared at the ground tearfully. "I..."

Beomgyu waited for a response that never came. He scoffed, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "Yeah. That's what I thought. He can't even defend himself because he knows it's true."

"Hyung," Kai whispered. "We love you no matter what. You know that, right?"

He gently grabbed Beomgyu's hand. "Come on, why don't we go make some hot chocolate? Just... relax and unwind a bit."

"No, no, I'm sick of this! Acting like everything's fine." Beomgyu shook his head, retracting his arm. "I can't be in a group with somebody who- who doesn't accept who I am, or who my boyfriend is!"

He stood up and crossed the room, shoving Taehyun forcefully. "We're gay! What's your fucking problem with it?! Just leave me and Heeseung alone. Haven't you done enough damage already?"

"Beomgyu!" Heeseung scrambled after the older boy, pulling him back. "Stop it!

"No. I'm not going to apologize for trying to be happy!" Beomgyu stared at Taehyun, eyes brimming with tears. "I'm with Heeseung now. He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel like not everything's going to shit around me! Why can't you accept that?"

Taehyun lowered his gaze.

"You were my friend," Beomgyu cried. "I loved you. I trusted you."

Taehyun wept silently, his head bowed. "I'm sorry, hyung."

Beomgyu fell to the floor, and for a while, the only noise in the dorm was the sound of two boys crying, broken-hearted.

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