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Heeseung sat alone in a brightly lit practice room, the morning sun warm on his face.

He stared at himself in the mirror. There was a small hickey just above his collarbone, where Beomgyu had gotten carried away two nights ago during one of their gaming-turned-makeout dates. Heeseung gently touched the mark, smiling. It was easier to love himself when someone else loved him too.

The door creaked open behind him.

"Oh. Sorry, I'll-"

"Come in, Taehyun." Heeseung turned around. "I saw you in the mirror. You were pacing outside the door. I'm guessing you wanted to talk to me?"

Taehyun's ears turned pink. "Sorry. Yeah, I..."

He entered the room, sitting crisscrossed on the floor facing Heeseung. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt Beomgyu. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"It's okay," Heeseung smiled. "I know it was a misunderstanding and... I forgive you."

Taehyun nodded, slowly standing up. "Thanks, hyung."

Heeseung hesitated for a moment before also climbing to his feet. "Wait. I do have one question, though."

"What is it?"

"Just... Why'd we go from talking every day to not even acknowledging each other in the hallways?"

"Oh." Taehyun closed his eyes, regretful. "Truthfully, I blocked you because we started to get close, and it scared me. Not because you're a boy, but-"

"-because I'm a living, breathing human being?" Heeseung laughed.

Taehyun cracked a smile. "Yeah, I guess. I don't know. I've always struggled with understanding my feelings."

"Well, what about all the fans who like you? They're humans too."

"The difference is you had a chance."


Taehyun turned away. "At some point, I think I started to like you back. My heart fluttered every time you said my name. I began waiting for your texts. But... I knew it'd be impossible for us to be together so I cut things off before I could get hurt. I'm so sorry, hyung. You deserved more. You deserved an explanation."

"It wasn't impossible."

"Yeah, I know that now. You and Beomgyu made it work."

Heeseung pursed his lips. "Taehyun... Do you still like me as more than a friend?"

"I don't know," Taehyun answered honestly. "I don't even know if I'm bi or just curious. All I do know is that I held onto the ledge while Beomgyu embraced the fall."

He glanced down. "Can't go back now. And- And anyways, I wouldn't want to. You make him so happy, Heeseung. That's all I could ever ask for."

"Tyun, you deserve to be happy too."

"Eh... There's a few things I need to work on first." Taehyun tilted his head abashedly. "You know, like not pushing away people. Not creating fights that tear apart my group. And not ruining friendships of over three years."

"You didn't ruin anything," Heeseung quietly laughed. "Beomgyu's dramatic but... He loves you. He'll come around eventually."

"And you're not mad at me?"

"Taehyun, why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know," Taehyun giggled. "Because I kind of ghosted you?"

"Which led me to Beomgyu. I should be thanking you."

"Hyung," Taehyun laughed. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I know I fucked up. Just... Let me be sorry. And actually, can I take you and Beomgyu hyung out for an apology dinner?"

"That would be awesome," Heeseung smiled. "Does tomorrow work?"

Taehyun nodded as they made their way to the exit. "There's also one more thing we need to talk about, hyung."


"If you hurt Beomgyu hyung, I'm going to have to kill you. He's my friend and I love him very much, so, you know."

"Sounds fair," Heeseung shrugged. He suddenly pulled the younger boy into a headlock, teasingly rumpling his hair. "You're a silly little boy, though. Thinking you have the authority to say all that after the B.S. you pulled last week."

"Sorry, hyung," Taehyun giggled. "And Beomgyu hyung and I made up last night, so I've officially been reinstated as his best friend, which means I'm once again in charge of making sure his partners know what they're getting into."

"Yeah, yeah," Heeseung snorted, letting go of Taehyun. He followed the younger boy out the door and was pleasantly surprised to see Beomgyu standing across the hall, waiting for him.

"Hey, Beomgyu. See ya, Hee." Taehyun lightly waved goodbye to the two of them before disappearing around a corner.

"Hi." Heeseung hung an arm around Beomgyu's shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to the older boy's head. "We're having dinner with Taehyun tomorrow."


Heeseung frowned. "What's wrong? Thought you guys made up?"

Beomgyu glanced up, looking slightly queasy. "Yeah, we did, but... He woke me up this morning; he was just standing over my bed with a knife. Said if I ever hurt you, he'd kill me in my sleep."

"Did he now?" Heeseung laughed, nuzzling his nose in Beomgyu's hair.

"Seung," Beomgyu whined. "I'm being serious! He scares me sometimes. You can never tell when he's joking or not."

Heeseung pecked the older boy's lips. "He was joking."

"You don't know that!" Beomgyu blushed, diverting his eyes to anywhere but Heeseung's face. "I-"

"Shh." Heeseung smiled as he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend again. "It's okay; Taehyun's cool. And we're going to the cafeteria right now for a breakfast date because I am starving."

Beomgyu's lips twitch into a smile. "Okay. Lead the way."

They ventured into the maze of hallways together.

A Source of Happiness | Beomgyu x HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now