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Hello, it's me, I'm back with the weird pairings again haha 😅


Heeseung was not beautiful.

He had a smidge of talent, yes, but it was nothing compared to other idols. The public had made that very clear after their last fan sign, when he'd quite literally been driven into hiding by hate comments. God, life would be so much easier if he'd just been born with a perfect body and a pretty face.

But alas, it was impossible.

Because the truth was, Heeseung would never be effortlessly beautiful. He would never be inherently skilled. Every part of him was manufactured, and it just wasn't fair. Maybe that was why Taehyun had stopped talking to him two weeks ago. He simply wasn't good enough.

The wind whistled outside the HYBE building, filling the silence Heeseung sat in. It was so lonely, having nobody to talk about his feelings with. His dongsaengs weren't an option. Jungwon, Sunoo, Jake, Jay, Ni-ki, and Sunghoon were his responsibility. They needed an eldest member to rely on, to run to whenever they needed help. Heeseung couldn't burden them with his own silly, self-centered problems. And so he was isolated, left to wallow in his sorrows alone at four in the morning in a dark practice room, far from the others.


Heeseung immediately jumped to his feet, pretending to stretch. "Hi?"

The figure in the doorway stepped closer. "...Heeseung? Is that you?"

"Uh, yeah, um." Heeseung casually wiped his tears with his sleeve, grateful that it was too dark for the other boy to notice anything. "I'm just practicing."

"Heeseung, it's me," the boy laughed, flipping on the light. "Beomgyu. Wait, are you crying?"

"No, I went to sleep late last night. Guess my eyes are still a bit red, ha." Heeseung grabbed his bag from off the floor. "I'll, uh, let you have the practice room."

"Are you sure? You look really tired, maybe you should sit dow-"

"Yeah, no, I'm good. Really." He jogged past the older boy before he could say anything else.


"Hyung, hurry up!" Ni-ki groaned, tugging at Heeseung's sleeve. "The stylist noonas are almost done packing up, and I want to go home! You promised we'd play FIFA, remember?"

"Alright, alright," Heeseung laughed, carefully passing his mic pack to their manager. "But only two hours, okay? I'm exhausted."

"Is that Enhypen?" A loud voice teased from down the hallway.

"Yeonjun hyung!" Ni-ki shouted, charging at the older boy. "You guys are performing after us?"

"Looks like it," Yeonjun grinned, playfully wrestling Ni-ki as the rest of the TXT members greeted Enhypen politely.

Beomgyu gently pinched Heeseung's sleeve, pulling him away from the group. "Hey... Are you sure you're okay? Yesterday, you-"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Heeseung shrugged the older boy off. "Really, Beomgyu."

"You're a hundred percent sure? Because I-"

"Yes. I'm good."

"Heeseung, you looked really-"

"I said I'm fine!"

Heeseung was shocked at his own voice. It was cold, dismissive, and inappropriate in every manner. Beomgyu was his sunbaenim; there were zero circumstances where treating him so rudely was okay. He bowed abruptly, mumbling an apology before backing away.


Heeseung set his bag down in a corner of the dark practice room. He flipped on the light switch and turned around, nearly jumping at the sight of Beomgyu leaning against a wall, arms crossed.

"What are you doing?" The older boy questioned.

"What are you doing?" Heeseung shot back. "You scared me! And this is my practice room; I booked it."

Beomgyu quietly snorted, glancing down. "You know, we're not trainees anymore competing to be the best. We don't have to fight over a stupid room."

"You can use that half," Heeseung replied curtly.

"I don't understand you, Heeseung." Beomgyu shook his head, arms falling limp to his sides. "You're nice, usually. Warm and kind. But you've been pretty moody lately, and I don't appreciate that."

Heeseung sighed, slightly annoyed by the boy intruding on his alone time. "We're not even friends. Why do you care?"

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me, while we're on the topic of not being friends." Beomgyu tilted his head. "Why is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Back before our debut, you were close with Soobin hyung, but not me. You were close with Yeonjun hyung, but not me. You were close with Kai, but not me. And Taehyun... you loved Taehyun, but ignored me. Why?"

"I didn't love Taehyun!" Heeseung snapped. He instantly backed up, realizing he'd made a mistake being overly defensive.

Beomgyu looked taken aback.

Heeseung saw it in his eyes the moment the realization clicked. "I... Beomgyu-"

"You loved Taehyun. Like... love love?"

Heeseung glanced away. "It doesn't matter. He stopped texting me; stopped responding to my calls. I- I'm pretty sure he blocked my number. I guess... That's why I've been a little crabby lately. I'm sorry and I really need to be alone right now so can you please leave?"

His voice cracked.

Before Heeseung knew it, he was crying on the floor of HYBE's practice room, hugging Beomgyu's arm as the older boy tried to console him.

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