Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I woke around 8 in the morning. I felt the bed next to and Candi wasn't there. I brushed my teeth and I walked into the kitchen to find her making us breakfast. She was wearing nothing but thong and bra on. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her beautiful body. I rocked her back and forth and kissed her cheek.

Neya: Good morning beautiful

Candi: Good morning baby

Neya: Oh so I'm baby now

Candi: Lol yeah

Neya: So what are you making

Candi: A healthy fruit salad and chocolate chip fudge cookies

Neya: Well damn I was expecting waffles and grits or something but that sounds even better

She then turned around and faced me. She pressed her lips against mines and I put her on top of the kitchen counter. She then stuck her finger inside chocolate batter. She then started spelling her name on my stomach with it. She then licked it off making me moan. Before I knew it we were having sex on the kitchen floor and we got all sticky from the chocolate. So much for those cookies. I took her to bathroom and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I fucked with the strap while the water crashed down on us. We eventually got out the shower and got dressed. We walked into the living room to see my baby father sitting on the couch. He doesn't have the key to my house he just picks my lock.

Neya: Where is Becky

Cory: With my parents

Neya: How long have you been here

Cory: long enough to hear you fucking that slut I don't want your dyke bitches under my daughter

Candi: Okay listen I don't hold my tug for anybody and I suggest if you wanna keep yours you don't ever disrespect me like that again

Cory: Fuck you and by the looks of your finger you're married your disgrace and your parents should feel ashamed

Suddenly Candi kicked him right in the balls and he went down. Her eyes filled with tears she kissed my cheek and told me she will see me in the car. She left the apartment and Cory got up. I then slap the shit out of him.

Neya: Don't ever disrespect her like that again and who the hell are you to tell me who I can and can't bring in my house

Cory: I don't want you and your nasty ass friends around my daughter she shouldn't have to see your nasty filthy ways

Neya: Fuck you

Cory: Never again and if I could back time I wish we never have

After that he reached into his pocket and threw the child support check on the counter he then walked out the back door slamming it closed. I made my way to my car and seen Candi was just laying her head against the window crying.

Candi: The last thing my told me before she kicked me out was that I'm a disgrace and she have swallowed the load with me

Neya: I am sorry about what just happened but you are not disgrace

Candi: My dad accept who I am but there isn't much he could do because when I was 14 head a stroke and became paralyzed from the neck down my mom told him unless he wants to end up on the streets he better take her side and he did

I brought Candi into a hug. She cried on my shoulder a little bit then let go. I handed her so tissue then we pulled off. We was driving anywhere taking a stroll. Just then her phone began to ring.

Neya: Lol is wifey calling

Candi: Lol no my best friend Mema

She answered the phone but she put on speaker since her phone was hooked up to the charger in my car.


Candi: Lol good for you I want details

Mema: Well I don't usually do one night stands but yesterday I bumped into this girl while I was jogging in the park she knocked me down then helped me up and she apologized what not. We made small talk then asked for my number and to take me out I said yeah and she took me to a beautiful restaurant and everything we then went back to her place for dessert. I told her I'm a virgin and I don't usually do this and she told me don't worry she will take it slow. Girl I have never felt so happy and alive we are going out again tonight

Candi: I'm extremely happy for you

Mema: Yeah I girl I gotta find a outfit for tonight so I will talk to you later bye bitch

After the phone hung up. Candi just leaned her head back in the seat and closed her eyes. Just then wifey appeared on her screen she hit the decline button and turned off her phone. I looked at her worried.

Neya: Are you sure you should have done that I don't want her hurting you

Candi: We are fighting right now before I came to see you yesterday I seen her fucking this girl on our bed. After that I left the room and she continued to fuck the hoe while I was still in the house

Neya: Damn that's messed up if you were my wife I wouldn't do that to you

Just then I stomped down and slammed on the breaks and crashed into a mail box. Some dumb ass really tried to run the red light while I had the right away. I looked over at Candi who was good. She put on some sun glasses a hood over head and her head was turned the other way and she looked like she was trying to fake sleep. Just then some stud girl knocked on my window I rolled down the window.

Gabi: Next time watch where the fuck your going

Neya: Excuses you nigga but I had the right away next time don't try and run a red light

Gabi: Someone feeling salty that they crashed

Neya: My fist is going to crash into your face in a minute

Just then some girl called her over and told her get back in the car. She threatened me before she walked away but I wasn't scared. Bitches don't know me out here. I got out of the car and apologized for crashing into the people mailbox. After that I pulled off and was driving to my uncle car shop. I noticed Candi was still hiding then she started speaking.

Candi: Is she gone

Neya: Yeah why were you hiding

Candi: Because the person we almost crashed into was my wife

Neya: Wait that's Gabi now I wanna turn back around find that bitch and really beat her ass

Candi: Do you think she noticed me

Neya: No she didn't even look in your direction she was to busy trying to explain why she is right

I couldn't believe Gabi is her wife. Did I mention Gabi is one of the biggest drug lords in the hood. I'm not scared of her but I'm scared for Candi.

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