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A/N: hope you guys liked the last chapter cause I know I did. Like I said, this story isn't over. And I'm thinking about making another book of "Equestria Lesbians" but not until everything is finish. Oh and thank you angelofdarkness202 for liking my drawing. You readers are awesome. Enjoy!

Ever since Friday, Applejack has not left the hospital for a the weekend. She wanted to make sure Rainbow Dash was gonna be okay, even though she knew she was. Over the weekend, she has tried her hardest to get Rainbow to tell we who did this, but she won't spill the beans.
"Come on Rainbow." Applejack said. "You need to tell everyone who raped you."
"I'm saying who did this to me." She said.
"Is it someone we know?"
"Then tell me. Please. We gotta catch this guy."
"No! I don't want to tell. I refuse to. Can't we just dropped off the subject Applejack please? I don't want to fight you right now."
Applejack didn't want to give up on this man of who did this to her. She was able to get out of the hospital for the day later but the police are on her butt to find out who did it. But she could tell this was kinda embarrassing Rainbow a little with how they were yelling a little more than usual. And she certainly doesn't want to start a fight.
She sighed and said "Alright fine. We'll drop it for now."
"Thank you." She grabbed Applejack's hand and kissed it.
Applejack blushed of how sweet she was being towards her. Her cheeks were as red as the color in Dash's hair.
"Awww, you're cute when you blush." She teased her by poking Applejack's cheek.
"Shut up." She pushed her hand away but hold it. She was smiling at the teenager as she smiled back.
"But I'm not stammering. Maybe I should keep going to get an reward of it." She said seductively rubbing her hand. She really wanted another kiss from Applejack.
"No, not yet. We need to talk about something."
Rainbow Dash groaned of annoyance and fell backwards onto her pillow.
Applejack smiled at the annoyed teenager. "Why didn't you tell me you had a heart condition?"
Rainbow looked surprise of her words. She stood up on her back to face closer to Applejack and asked "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me. Why didn't you say anything?"
"I never had a heart condition."
Applejack was starting to see Rainbow was serious. But she knew sometimes Rainbow played tricks. "Yeah you do. The doctor said it could have killed you when you took the drugs."
"That's right." Dr. Hooves came in with his clipboard in his hands. "You've had it since you were a toddler."
Rainbow was so surprised. She thought Applejack was playing with her to scare her, but when the doctor came in, that was a whole different story.
She began to look like she couldn't breath, which really scared them both when they saw her.
"Miss Dash?" Dr. Hooves said trying to get her attention, but it didn't work.
"Breath Rainbow, breath." Applejack did her hardest to help her.
Then she finally took in her air and was back on breathing. She looked up at Applejack looking shock. "Are you serious? I have a heart condition?"
Now this you could tell, Rainbow wasn't fooling around.
"You mean, you didn't know?" Applejack was shock to see Rainbow not know something about her.
"No. I was never told I had it. If I did, my dad would have told me. How is this possible?" She ducked her head into her knees and was feeling like she needed to cry.
Dr. Hooves felt it was best to leave them both alone.
Applejack placed her hand on Rainbow's shoulder and said calmly "Hey. Hey, look at me."
Rainbow didn't look. She still continued to cry into her knees.
"Rainbow Dash look at me."
She finally decide to look at her with the tears falling down of both her cheeks.
"I know you are probably scared, but you've made it through all your life without knowing, and I think that's great for someone with a condition like that."
"Yeah but why didn't my dad tell me? Would I have died before if I didn't know? How can I possibly have this problem?" She was so terrified.
She looked down trying to think that she may have forgotten somehow. But then Applejack lifted her chin with a smile on her face.
"I promise, your dad probably had a reason not to say anything." She said.
Rainbow whipped her tears to finally have a good clear view of Applejack. She felt a little better.
Then Applejack thought of a way to make Rainbow laugh a little. "So," she grinned. "You really said I'm your Angel sent from heaven to make you smile huh?"
Rainbow looked shock and blushed pink of being embarrassed. How could she have known that? Then she remember her dad again.
She tried not to show it and was laughing a little. "No! I was--no I was.. I was a little bored and we were in junior high and.." She just laughed with her smile coming back.
"Well that's too bad. I thought you were my Angel." She said.
Rainbow's heart kept fluttering with Applejack near her side. Which scared her since she now found out she has a heart problem?
But then that went away when she leaned in and kissed Applejack. Usually it would be her kissing Rainbow Dash first, but looks like Rainbow won for today. She closed her eyes and joined in her another war of tongues, when suddenly...
"See?! You owe me five bucks honey." They heard Sky Blue's voice appear outta nowhere.
They turned back embarrassed and blushed of the two adults in the doorway.
Sky Blue ran to Rainbow Dash and gave her a hug with the tears coming back to her eyes. "Oh honey, we were so worried!"
"You had to kiss her now huh?" Rainbow Blaze asked Applejack. "Now I owe hew five bucks."
Applejack chuckled at their bet on them.
Rainbow Blaze wanted to cry seeing his daughter in a hospital bed with stuff attach to her arm, just like Rainbow Shine went through.
Sky Blue finally let go of Rainbow Dash so he can give her the hug of love. But when he tried to, she did not look happy with him.
"What's wrong sweetie?" He asked not understanding.
Applejack knew this was probably gonna go bad. "Hey Sky Blue. You should come with me to the cafe they have here. The coffee is the fancy kind." She grabbed her arm and lead her out of the door.
Rainbow continued to looked at her dad pretty mad with him. He waited for her response but he was the first to speak. "What did I do?"
"Why didn't you tell me I had a heart condition?" She said sounding serious and mad.
He was shock to hear his daughter had found out about it. He wished e had enough time, but now he knew he was too late and had to tell.
He closed his eyes for a moment and said "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I was going to tell you."
"After your mom passed."
It's funny to her. Every time they have a conversation about something important, it always conclude her mom. But maybe that's good cause he loves to hear a lot about her mother and the things about her.
"You see, your mother and I freaked out when you would want to play sports, and we would try to make it easy for you so you wouldn't have to let it get out of control. Your mom was always around to help with the sports. When she passed, I didn't know how I was going to break it to you when you asked me if you ever had a mom. I was going to tell you when you were playing soccer all by yourself looking down. You were seven I believed. When I was about to say it, I just didn't know how to tell those magenta eyes a problem she had in her system. At that moment, I was telling you about your mother instead and you seem to feel and better and started to play. I was going to you to be careful, but you looked so happy, I didn't want to whip that smile off your face. So I thought it was best until we were ready to talk. Guess now I am too late for that. I'm sorry Dashie." He closed his eyes feeling the water come through.
Rainbow Dash still couldn't believe this happen to her. This talk was what got to scare Rainbow Blaze on telling her the truth and now look where it lead her. This talk was probably worse than the talk about the birds and the bees. But when she looks back into in, she now can probably see her dad's point of talking to her about this.
She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder so he could finally look up to her. "It's okay dad. I guess I can kinda see your point of worrying. I just hope it won't bug me for entirety to know I have a heart condition."
"I'm just glad you're alive, and you finally are with your best friend." He said letting the tears fall.
"Yeah." But then she started to look back to being mad. "But you told Applejack about her being called an Angel without me knowing?"
He began to kinda panic but in a funny way. "Yeah listen. I was upset you were here, I didn't think you make it- Sky Blue you can come in now!" He pretend to believe was there.
"How many times have I told you not to say anything?" He began to grin at him.
"I'm sorry sweetie. I just wanted her to know." He began to calm down and not freak. "Besides, I believe it help you confess your feelings towards her." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said "I'm proud of you."
"You and me both dad." Then she gave him a hug to prove her point.
They heard 'awww's appear and saw Sky Blue and Applejack standing in the doorway. "That's the sweetest moment you've both ever had." Sky Blue said with a smile.
"You got that right." Applejack agreed.
Sky Blue handed a coffee to Rainbow Blaze and hugged Rainbow Dash again, showing the love.
"At least today we get to take you home. But you will not go back to school for another week." He said.
Rainbow Dash groaned. She really wanted to go back. But did she have a choice?
He shake his daughter's hair to prove he ain't mad or anything.
Applejack wished she could have stayed to help them with Rainbow.

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