I woke up once again to my phone alarm going off. I looked at the time and saw that it was 7:12 in the morning. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine like always. I walked to the closet and looked for an outfit. I was looking for what felt like hours before I picked the fisrt things I found because I really need to be heading to work; even if I am my own boss.

I decided to wear a black pencil skirt and a khaki green top with a grey blazer. Deciding what shoes to wear I decided to match it with some black strapped heels. I put the things that I needed into my purse. I picked a black gatter on and put four knifes in it. I love knives. Its an easy and fun way to kill people.

I paired it with some gold jewlery and straightend my hair while doing my go to natural make up.

I paired it with some gold jewlery and straightend my hair while doing my go to natural make up

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I went down stairs and and just got some fruit tha was on the table before heading out to work. Once I arrived I walked inside and saw Ares walking to the elervator. I hurried up there before the door closed. "Hey twin brother." I said wih a grin on my face. "Hello twin sister." he said while putting his arm around my shoulders.

Once we got out of the elervator we walked to our officess. When I got inside Ivy was about to walk out. "Hey bitch. You have a meeting in 30 minutes." she said before walking out. I smiled at her and went to my desk. I went to my desk trying to get my things ready for the meeting before I got a phone call from the front desk. "Hello." I said rubbing my forehead. "Ma'am there is a guy coming up to you office but I can't catch him." she said sounding like she's out of breath. Before i had the chance to answer someone bursted through the door.

I looked up to see the one person I'd thought I'd never see again. Kingsley knight. I looked beside him in the doorway to see Lillian - the lady working at te front desk- out of breath. "I tried ma'am I really did, but he was just to fast for me to catch. I can call security if you would like." she said taking deep breaths in between each word. I looked back at him before saying" No Lillian, you can go." She nodded her head before closing the door behiend her.

"Would you like to explain why you are here?" I said while getting up from behiend my desk and walking to the front and leaned on it while crossing my arms.

"Yes, so how did you my name, angelo." he said walking up close to me. "First off, stop calling me angelo. Second, I have my reasons. And lastly...why are you stalking me?"I said with a smirk on my face. "Are upsest we me." I said know with a big grin on my face.

He came closer and leaned down so our mouths were only inches apart from each other. "How could I not." he said but right when I was about to reply back, his lips connected with mine.

His lips were so soft; softer than they look. I felt his tounge on my lips asking for entrance. When I didn't he sqeezed my ass which made me gasp. He used that to his advantage and slipped his tounge in my mouth. Our tounges were fighting for dominacnce. But, he won.

I pulled away but he then lifted me up onto my desk before kissing me again. His hand was rubbing up my leg to my thigh before I stopped him. He grabbed both of my hands and put them behiend my head with one hand; before he kept countiuing to rub his hand higher up until he felt my gatter with knifes. He pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"So this is what you didn't want me to find." he said smirking while grabbing one of the knives from my gatter. While he was still smirking he pushed me down so that I was know laying down on my back on the desk. He spreaded my legs out before tossing the knife into the air before catching it on the blades side. "Keep you you hands here. Do not move them." he said while putting my hands above my head and letting go of my hands.

I don't know why but it felt as if I was submiting to him right know. But I liked it. I liked not being the one in control for once.

With his free hand he took off my gatter -the knifes were attached to it- and then my thong and used my thong to tie my hands behiend my head; then he pulled off my skirt. He used his index finger to done my slit. "Fuck angelo your so fucking wet." he said while licking his his tattooed finger clean. I bit my lip while watching him. He just got so much fucking hotter; if that was even possible.

Without warning he shoved the knife handle inside of me. "Oh god." I said while bitting my lip. He stated to move the knife in and out of me. I looked at him, only to see him smirking while moving it faster and harder. I closed my eyes and tried to hold in my moans. "Let it out. I want to hear how I'm making you feel. And open your eyes and look at me." he said while rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip as I opened my eyes.

He started moving the knife faster. I moaned knowing I couldn't keep it in anymore. "Good girl." he said. "I need to come." I said while moaning. He smiled at me before pulling the knife out of me. I wimpered knowing I was only seconds from cuming. He untied the thong from my wrists, then he had put my thong into his pocket.

He put the knife down on my desk and turn around while walking to the door. "Wha-, w-why , where are you going?" I asked while stuttering and sitting up on my desk.

Why the fuck am I stuttering. I never stutterd. Why is it happening know.

Before he opened the door he turned around smiling and said, "That's for not answering my question on how you know who I am. Oh and thanks for the souvenir, angelo." he said showing me my underwear before putting it back in his pocket before walking out and closing the door.

Once we closed the door I hurryed up and but my clothes back on before someone could come in here. Iput the knife that he used on my into my drawer. When I finished getting dressed I got some tissues from my besk and wiped off the desk because it had my cum on it and throwed it away.

I have never got ready and cleaned up so fast in my life. I am suprised I didn't give myself a wiplash.

As soon as I got done, as if it was on cue right when I sat down my door bursted open with Ivy looking at me as if she had just seen a ghost. "Why the fuck did I just see Kingsley fucking Knight come from the 5th floor?!" she said practically screaming at me - there are also stairs in the building and there is only me and Ares' office on the 5th floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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