I.M.P Part 2

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Author's note.

So, I'm sick with a cold. Which is why I haven't been writing all that much. Also, tomorrow's the 12th over here in Western Australia. So, you guys need to cast your votes for one of the three tur members to be Adrian Agreste's bodyguard.

Reina: She'd be the most mature one and would also keep Adrian safe from Scandals.

Shiori: She would held Adrian try to confess love to Marinette and given how Shiori has a second form that made her become a pleasure-seeking, blade wielding psycho that could put Himiko to shame. Imagine if she became Akumatized and went after Lila.

Maria: Like second form Shiori, Maria is a psycho and later has the planning and intelligence of Reina. She's the first of the second generation of Neogenes and is paired up with Shiori in terms of character and design.

Aoi: Given how she's the youngest looking, she could pass as a student, thus keeping a closer eye on Adrian and even get proof of Lila's lies.

Anyway, here's the second part of how I.M.P killed Lila's mom. So leave a review, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

I.M.P part 2

A portal then opened up in Paris and the three assassins crawled through the shadows.

"So, where is her house?" Asked Moxxie.

"According to the info we got", said Blitzo. "It should be~there". Blitzo then pointed to a section of appartments just across them. One of the windows was glowing, showing that the lights were on.

"Bingo" said Blitzo. Suddenly, the light went out.

"She must've gone to bed" said Moxxie.

"Perfect" said Blitzo with a twisted smile. Millie then fired a harpoon with a rope attached to it and zipped line a crossed it.

"Okay, now that we 'super spied' this shit", said Blitzo. "Mox, which floor is this secretary on?".

"Floor three sir" said Moxxie.

"Let's fuck that bitch up" said Millie. They entered through a small door that lead to a staircase. They soon got to the third floor and eventually found Lila's apartment.

"This is the place" said Millie.

"Remember", said Blitzo before pulling out his gun. "We have to dismember her. Now, I just gotta shoot the lock off and-".

"Sir, allow me" said Moxxie. He then pulled out a scalpel and a pair of tweezers and picked the lock.

"Well, well Mox", said Blitzo. "Guess there is a brain in that limpdick head of yours". Moxxie just growled at this and walked in.

"Wait, what about the daughter?" Asked Millie. She did have a point, Lila was in the house as well. So, Moxxie then placed earplugs in her ears.

"That should do it" said Moxxie.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Asked Millie.

"We kidnap that bitch, take her to the roof and dismember her" answered Blitzo.

"Why not just kill her hear?" Asked Millie.

"Val said NOT to make a scene, Mils" answered Blitzo.

"You're, putting a lot of thought into this sir" said Moxxie.

"We got hired by an OVERLORD, Moxxie", answered Blitzo. "And did you SEE the amount of gold he's gonna pay us?".

"True" said Moxxie. They then found Ms. Rossi's room and snucked in. Unfortunately, the door slammed on Millie's tail, making her scream and forcefully pulling out. A light then appeared in the room, and it turned out that Ms. Rossi had turned her lamp on.

"What the hell are-".

"Get her!". The three imps pounced on Ms. Rossi and stuffed her into a bag before taking her to the roof. They then tied her up and taped her mouth shut.

"So, how exactly do we got about this?" Asked Moxxie.

"We dismember her" answered Blitzo.

"I thought we were going to kill her first?" Asked Moxxie.

"Eh, I'm in a good mood", said Blitzo. "Mils, go crazy". Millie squealed, pulled out an axe and then started to chop her up.

"Oh, I love that woman" said Moxxie.

"You like her even more when she pegs ya, huh?" Asked Blitzo. 

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