A Muddy Path With A Messy Encounter

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The young girl had just gone out of her territory, from that point and on.. she was on her own.

She yawns.. "Ahh I must've woken up too early, sigh the disadvantage of being too excited.."

She then slaps herself quite hardly, that must've hurt-.. "I must focus! This is no time to get distracted!" She then reaches out for her bag,. She then took out the map she had gotten. "Mhm, it says here that this is the nearest path  that can be taken that goes towards the harbor.. Its not too far- I suppose-."

She then starts walking not knowing that a good ol' pebble was meeting her feet, as a result she pitifully falls to the ground, thankfully not on her face. "OUCH! oh come on" she makes quite the pitiful expression as well.

With most details intact one of the reasons she  was called odd was because of her so called luck that seemed to be always taking a trip instead of staying on her side.. Poor her.

-Short time skip.. Cause why not? 𓁹‿𓁹

"The road seems to be blocked, is there some sort of problem?- I should go ask."

She then approaches a seemingly middle aged man holding a pen and clip board. "Greetings, sir! I had wanted to ask why the path is blocked? If you know why of course. I'd planned to use this path earlier.. But it seems that is not possible.." She says with a small smile

"Oh! G'morning! But well apologies ma'am, we are currently fixing a few things, it will most likely take a week or two to finish,-" "it seems that your luck has left you!" The middle-aged man says with a small grin.

"Oh.. It does seem so.. sigh.. Well thank you either way!" She replies with a sad expression, poor her again, tsk tsk.

"No problem young lady! Good luck with your travels!"

"Thank you."

"Haizz, I guess I should take the other path then, the starting point is not too far I suppose."

-Short time skip again 𓁹‿𓁹

"Oooh! The nature around looks lovely! Although taking this path to reach an actual destination is another thing.."

But instead of frowning she smiles.

"This is gonna be fun~!"

"Mhmm, I do hope I wont get distracted, but.. THE ANIMALS LOOK ADORABLEE, how is one supposed to take hold of themselves..-" Esther says whilst admiring the cute bunnies hopping, birds chirping, squirrels running around and much more. Another thing about this young lady, she loves animals. Like a LOT.

"Okay let me just pet a bunny ONCE. ONCE." She then carefully approaches a bunny but too bad the bunny had trust issues and immediately ran away.
"Dear bunny, do I really seem that scary—" she begins to pretend to dramatically cry .

"Mhmm, okay. I should probably continue now.." she looks around and see's the sign.

"Left or right.. it says on the map it should be right." What she didn't know is that things were heading for a small twist.

"Mhmm, it isn't so green anymore from here." She states as she looks around the almost barren land, the animals weren't around much anymore, no birds chirping.
"There must be something wrong.. It is quite unusual.."

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