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xxviii. Albert

I stopped in my tracks

Blinked a couple of times

Flowers fell to the ground

My hands dropped to my side

The sun frowned at the sight

Of a man in front of her gate

Whom he used to always see

As he rises to light up the day

The birds hummed a lonely melody

Sympathizing with their sad buddy

They used to accompany his heart

In singing a lovely song for his honey

The flowers stopped their dance

As the wind ceased swaying them

They saw him cry a few times before

But never witnessed him this broken

His striking face was filled with remorse

His sad eyes broke their heart to pieces

Why, of all people, does it have to be him?

Why my brother, whom I love so dearly?

I hope it's not because of our resemblance

'Cause all he need right now is genuine love

I'd rather I take all the pain and suffering

I can take it as long as you're both happy.

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