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"I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart,"
(I skipped some lyrics, sorry)

Mike was walking through the hallways of the school, as he was doing so he saw Will by his locker.
Mike started to walk towards him when Will looked his way.
Will looked almost disgusted, which hurt Mike.
Will rolled his eyes and started walking to his English class.

Mike could only be silent, he didn't know what to do.
Try and talk to Will and tell him he's sorry, or give Will space.
Mike doesn't seem to know what 'space' is, he promised himself he'll make things better.



So you think he wants to talk to you?"

"Why else would he stare directly at me and slightly get closer?"
Max sighed and sat down by her friend.

"Ignore him, make him feel guilty."

Will nodded. He didn't like hurting people's feelings but he realised Mike is an asshole, and should've realised he can't be trusted.
Max and Will continued to talked to each other, Mike and Lucas walked into the room and sat down at their seats. Dustin came in shortly after.

"Hey guys."
Dustin smiled, he seemed happier than usual.

"What's with the good mood?"

He trailed off, a blush crept onto his face.
Max and Will looked at each other, each had a smirk on their face.

"Lucas kinda, sort of, asked me out!"

Both Will and Max got up and started jumping up and down with Dustin, they were happy for him.
They all had a mini group hug and then sat down at their spots.
Lucas ended up walking over to Dustin and giving him a note, it said sweet things like 'can't wait to see you tonight' and 'can't wait for our date' with hearts and smiley faces.

As Will and Max were taking Mike can't up towards Will's seat.

"Hey Will-"
Will looked at him, his eyes were full of life when talking to Max, but the minute he saw Mike.. They went dead.

"I'm sorry.. Do I know you?"

Will put on a confused face, Mikes eyes widened. Max giggled and you could hear some other people laughing silently.

"Will.. Look, I'm sorry."

"Sure, but assholes are never sorry."

Mike looked at Will, he was about to speak but just walked away.
Lucas began talking to him, questioning what happened.
Whatever Will was doing, it worked. It got to Mike, and Mike didn't like that.
Through out the rest of class Mike couldn't focus, he just wanted to go back to the way things were.
Will and Mike would be sarcastic, be friendly, now Will wanted Mike dead. At least, that's how a Mike felt about all of this.

Mike mumbled under his breath while in mid thought.

"Dude, what's wrong?"

"Will is acting like I don't exist."
Lucas sighed and began to speak up.

"Maybe you shouldn't have done what you did, that really hurt him. I don't blame him if he doesn't forgive you."

"So you're taking his side?"

"Yeah, and so are you."
The bell rang and Lucas got up.
He walked over to Dustin and put and arm around his waist.
Mike wanted to do that with Will, but he knew he messed up. And why was he even thinking about doing couple things with Will?
He has had many relationships but he felt different around Will.


As Mike walked out of the class room, he saw Will talking to someone.
They seemed to both be flirting? What?

"What the hell?"
Mike said to himself, no, no, no.
Mike was not happy with seeing this.
He thought he could tell Will he felt the same, but he saw Will flirting with someone else.
Was Will purposely doing this?

Mike is devastated.

Word count: 626
Sorry for the rushed and short chapter, I just had ideas and wrote them down

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