Chapter 3: Sophia

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~~~~IVY'S POV~~~~

I can't believe what I just heard, Rick left my brother on a roof in a walker infested city.

"Let me out right now" i said "i can't do that, it's a deathwish" t-dog replied "I SAID LET ME OUT" the truck slowed down and i jumped out and i ran until i couldn't anymore

---- 2 weeks later ----

Its been about 2 weeks and I'm currently staying with some old friends, the Greene family. I'm back to hunting with Otis like I did before the outbreak. We're currently tracking a deer when I see a flash of strawberry blond hair from the corner of my eye. It definitely wasn't a walker so I followed after it ignoring Otis's yells for me. I finally catch up and realize it's a little girl.

"I sweetie what's your name '' I say to the girl "Sophia, please don't hurt me" the girl now known as sophie answers.

"Im not going to hurt you, if you want you can come with us. We have a farm not too far from here '' I say to the little girl "yes please" she answers. Then I realize something, she's completely alone. "Hey what are you doing out here alone" I asked her, "I was on a highway and I got separated from my group" the little girl now named Sophia, said.

"Well let's get you some food and rest and we can start looking for your group" i say then turn to Otis "keep tracking meetup back at the house after."

We get to the house about 20-30 minutes later and Hershel met us at the door "Ivy, who is this" he asks and i answer with "this is Sophia me and Otis found her in the woods"

We were at the farm for about 2 and a half hours before Maggie started yelling for Hershel, we all rushed inside and there i saw that same uniform i was face to face with about 2 weeks ago running towards the house holding a little boy with Otis and another man running behind him "Rick" i said under my breath

He made it to the porch and started yelling for Hershel than he looked around and met my eyes "Ivy" then his eyes found sophia "omg sophia" he said causing all eyes to turn to us "Rick" me and sophia said at the same time

---- 30 minutes later ----

It's been a bit and now T-Dog and Glenn are here, "Ivy? Sophia?" they said at the same time as they walked into the kitchen "Hey guys, T what happened to your arm?" I asked and learned that he cut it on a car back at the highway.

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