Stormy Weather

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He could feel his heart pounding hard, Adrien wasn't even sure what crossed his mind when he called (Y/n) up and asked her to the park. Adrien wasn't even sure what to do, after all he was having a photo shoot in the first place and it was hard to tell when there were going to be breaks. But as he watched (Y/n) come into view, a genuine smile erupted as his heart just fluttered. Adrien didn't even ask to take a break, he just walked off to greet her, his bodyguard and the photographer just had to deal with it.

"Hey (Y/n)!"

"Hey yourself, hot shot. It's definitely a beautiful day for photoshoot, perfect even to capture your good looks." (Y/n) said, making Adrien's face flush red. Sure he was used to girls going on about how handsome he is but this time just felt different. "Relax, I just tell it as it is. There's no reason to be embarrassed."

"Heh, right.."

"I won't take too much of your time but a little bird did tell me that your birthday is coming up."

"Who told you that? Was it Nino?"

"Don't dodge the question, when is it?"

"Oh? Are you going to get me a present?"

"Cut it out." (Y/n) said, pushing him away. But she made the mistake looking at him, seeing those big doe eyes. She hated those adorable eyes, always hard to say no to them. "You cheeky little imp. But if you must know, I need time to figure out a present and unless I know exactly when your birthday is I can't promise anything."

"It's next Friday." Ideas were already going through her head and now it was only a matter of selecting one of them and making it before next Friday. And for Adrien, the very thought of getting a present from someone else from his father, from (Y/n), he was estactic for his birthday for once in awhile.

"Speaking of which, did you and Marinette make up? I don't want all my hardwork to go to waste." (Y/n) asked, her curiousity geting the better of her as Adrien's mind began to shift to that day. How could he forget what she did for him? Or really for them both? It would be a memory Adrien (and Marinette) would always treasure.

It was an exhausting day to say the least. From Chole's antics to Stoneheart's unfortunate return and the reveal of Hawkmoth, there was so much that weighed on their minds. Their lives were changing rapidly right in front of them and it was already getting hard to keep up with it all.

So when Adrien laid eyes on Marinette, looking out onto the rainy scene, he wasn't sure what to do or what to say. After all, this was all new to him, being around people his age, trying to make friends, and getting wrapped up in drama. And he really didn't want to mess this up even more than he already.

"What are you waiting for, big shot? Just go explain the situation to her." Hearing her voice and feeling her hand rest of his shoulder, Adrien felt a smile perk up, turning to see (Y/n). Sure, its been roughly a day or two since they met but (Y/n) just had this presence about her that easily soothed anyone and broke down their walls. "It's not like she can go anywhere without getting soaked. The least she can do it listen."

"Is it really that easy?"

"You never know if you don't try. But if you're that nervous, then I'll go break the ice."

"You would do that?"

"We are friends aren't we? It's what friends do." Adrien could feel a warm sensation spread through his body. Friends, he never thought he would ever have that. At least not with how things were with his father and all.

And so slowly, he inched forward, until he could finally hear their voices. Well, mostly until he could hear (Y/n)'s voice.

"Look, I know what you saw today might have looked a certain way."

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