Chapter 3: The fall of the nobles

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(Luffy was fishing something, a few hours ago his supplies ran out which was the worst misfortune for him, but he saw his village in the distance which excited him so when he arrived he tied up the boat and went straight to Makino's bar, when he arrived he saw that Makino was arguing with a nobleman, the nobleman was with 2 marines and Makino was with the whole town, Luffy in the crowd saw Ann who, seeing him, approached him and began to explain what was happening)

(It turns out that the Nobleman had come for a drink but Makino could not serve him anything which made him angry thinking that she did not want him in the place which made sense to anyone, the nobleman returned after a while but saying that he was going to destroy the bar but the town prevented him so the nobleman called several marines who were going to arrive and start destroying the place {obviously they were bribed}, Luffy angrily ran towards the nobleman and hit him making him fly, that terrified several of what would happen to the child, the marines with some rifles shot the child but he just stood still and the bullets ricocheted off him)

(Luffy hit both marines making them fall unconscious, then he only went to the gray terminal {was it called?} with a dark look, when he reached the entrance of the place he covered his fist with Busoshoku Haki and smashed the door scaring the nobles nearby, through the smoke Luffy walked while the nobles began to shout at him why a simple commoner did that but he only sent a wave of Haoshoku Haki fainting the nearby nobles, on the way to the castle three guards tried to stop him with swords but this he destroyed each sword with his bare hands leaving the surprised, they could only retreat and Luffy advanced, when he reached the king's castle he broke down the door grabbing the guards started shooting at him but Luffy with his Kenbunshoku Haki dodged the bullets with ease, Luffy then released a great wave of Haoshoku Haki fainting almost everyone in the castle except the king, he had plans for him)

(He went directly to the king's throne where he was, since he was a child the king was very confident and only said "guards" but nothing happened)

Luffy: I'll finish you *said angry*

(Luffy appeared on top of him and punched him in the face leaving him on the floor in pain, Luffy came down from the throne and took him by his shirt)

Luffy: time to pay "King" *said and threw him into the air to then get in position to be his attack* Gomu Gomu no....

(The king tried to fall elsewhere but his body was immobilized)

Luffy: Pistol!!

(Luffy punched the king in the face which was sent flying off the island, Luffy saw him fly away and then go to a special room which was the treasure room, he extended his Palm thus creating a black hole in the which absorbed everything)

(He headed outside but when he got out he found several Marines in the room along with the nobleman he punched in the bar)

Noble: kill him *smiling*

(Everyone rushed towards Luffy but when they were on top of him he disappeared and reappeared on top of them)

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no..

(Luffy bit his left arm finger thus inflating his right arm)

Luffy: Elephant Gun!!

(Luffy hit the ground creating a huge explosion which collapsed the city, the explosion was seen by everyone in the village who were surprised to see that Terminal Gray was destroyed)

(Luffy landed seeing how only rubble remained from the city, he saw how the villagers approached and saw the city destroyed)

(Luffy landed seeing how only rubble remained from the city, he saw how the villagers approached and saw the city destroyed)

Luffy: *sigh* [he would have stolen them before destroying everything] *he thought imagining how happy Nami would be*

(Everyone has calmed down and that day a party was held for the fallen nobles)

(Luffy left the party for a while and went and sat in the port, he stared at the sea for a while until he heard a scream)

Ann: Luffy!!

(He turned his eyes and saw Ann next to a blonde girl, even though she was a woman, he recognized her as his second brother, Sabo)

(Ann introduced the other one knowing that his name was Sam)

(Both of them hit it off and Sam mentioned something that Luffy and Ann just noticed)

Sam: I wonder what they're going to do with those two navy ships?

(They both turned around and saw two marine buses which were empty since Luffy killed the marines when he made his attack)

Luffy: *remembering* save them...

Ann: huh? For what?

Luffy: naa a matter of mine *not caring too much getting a drop out of both*

(They talked for a while until they both went to the party again while Luffy stayed in the port)

Luffy: ahh *yawn* I better go to sleep

(When he was about to leave, he heard a noise coming from one of the navy ships, he approached just out of curiosity and entered the ship)

(As he moved forward he realized that the sound came from the ship's prison, when he arrived he saw a blue-haired girl with white locks with handcuffs in her hands, she had horns on her head while wearing a pink mask)

(When he saw her, he recognized her, being surprised, it was the stubborn girl as he called her, but in reality her name was Ulti)

(When she saw him, she began to struggle to free herself but he approached her and told her)

Luffy: what are you doing here?

(She didn't answer, she just kept struggling) (Luffy just approached the handcuffs and covered them with Haki breaking them, she showed a surprised expression but the boy asked her)

Luffy: hey what's your name?

Ulti: *a little calmer* Ulti

Luffy: Well Ulti, my name is Monkey D. Luffy (Both talked for a while until Ulti mentioned something)

Ulti: hey Luffy... *I look at her as a sign to say* can you help me with something *nervous*

(That took Luffy by surprise who never expected to see her that way since in the future she would show an aggressive attitude, at least with him....)

Luffy: in what?

Ulti: in helping me rescue my little brother...

Luffy: umm...

(Luffy was not very confident but he made up his mind)

Luffy: Sure, where is he?

(Ulti got more nervous and answered)

Ulti: On a Navy base...

Luffy: Ok *his face showed that he didn't care, maybe there was no one in East Blue who could give him a fight* which base?

Ulti: in one led by someone named Morgan, ax hand

(At first he didn't recognize the name but after thinking for a while he remembered it as the marine with the ax hand)

Luffy: oh ok

(Ulti happily jumped towards Luffy to hug him who blanked out when he saw what he had done)

Luffy: [what the hell?!] Well tomorrow we will set sail, for now you will stay with me until tomorrow

Ulti: ok

(Both went to the house of the bandits receiving some shouts from Dadan who was furious but calmed down when Luffy told him that he would only stay one night)

(Ulti had to sleep with Luffy that night, although neither of them bothered him, one because he didn't care and the other because he didn't know that topic...)


next chapter on wednesday!

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