Chapter 4: Rescuing Page One

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(The next day Luffy and Ulti had already woken up and went to the forest to hunt something to eat, when they were already eating they both observed that they both had the same voracious appetite which made them both laugh)

(A few hours later they were already at the port ready to leave so Luffy said goodbye to Makino and the sisters, Makino was already used to Luffy leaving the island but the sisters not so much besides that they didn't trust the blue-haired girl)

<The next day>

(They were already arriving while the two were already desperate to reach the port, Ulti for his brother besides the hunger they had was already immense, their supplies were devoured in a matter of hours, Luffy only had problems with the supplies now with someone who has his same ravenous appetite it was almost impossible to survive)

(When they arrived they tied up the boat and ran to a restaurant, they arrived and as soon as they sat down they ordered food, taking a drop from everyone in the building)

(When they finished they paid and went to the marine base, they climbed the wall and jumped to land in the base yard, with caution they entered {at least from Ulti} but several times they were almost caught because of Luffy but they managed to get there to the cages, ya aya started to see the cages only seeing other pirates who tried to force the children to release them but they were only ignored)

(But in the end they reached Page's cage which was chained to the wall, when he saw them he was glad to see his sister but was confused when he saw Luffy)

(Luffy took the padlock from the door and with a squeeze he destroyed it to later rip the door and with a pull destroy the chains of Page who looked at him surprised)

Ulti: PAY-TAN!! *hugging the mentioned one who reciprocated the hug* luckily you're fine, they didn't do anything to you, right?! *checking his body making Page One sweat and Luffy laugh*

(Already calmer, she thanked Luffy for helping her rescue her brother)

Luffy: no problem, well it's time to go before the marines see us-

Marine x: hey you guys!!

(Luffy ignored him holding that he had a vein in his head, when the marine attacked Luffy also attacked)

Luffy: Shigan *said shooting the marine with his finger piercing him*

(The Marine fell to the floor bleeding to death, the brothers looked at Luffy in surprise but he ignored the looks and said)

Luffy: We'd better go before they discover us *he said and they both nodded*

(The three came out of jail but to their bad luck there were several marines outside pointing at them next to Captain Morgan)

Morgan: you are detained for releasing a criminal *he said pointing his ax at them*

Luffy: I won't be arrested by a weak marine like you *he said seriously while the aforementioned made a face that showed fury* guys stay back I'll take care of this *he said cracking his fists*

(Luffy lunged at the marines who were trying to hurt him, Luffy gave a blow which sent several marines flying and then began to hit all the marines, one hit the ground creating a large wind current which sent blow everyone except Morgan who glared at Luffy, Luffy only covered his fists with Haki to both pounce on each other)

(Morgan attacked with her ax but Luffy only destroyed the ax to start beating Morgan viciously)

Luffy: *punching Morgan in the chest* I'll finish you off!!

(Luffy hit Luffy on the head and then smashed his head against the ground killing him)

(The marines who were still conscious looked at this in silence and then shouted in celebration of Morgan's death)

(The brothers were already used to deaths so it did not affect them at all, the whole island found out about Morgan's death which they celebrated, the villagers as thanks gave them various supplies for their return trip which the three were grateful for)

(The three sailed but in the middle of the way Luffy asked)

Luffy: So where are you going?

(Both brothers looked at each other and Ulti spoke)

Ulti: well we have nowhere to go so...

Page: we could stay with you, if it's not too much trouble *he said embarrassed*

Luffy: ok *he said simply* you will be my future Nakamas *he said and these grateful nodded*

<A few hours later>

(The three of them saw a fish-shaped ship nearby, a happy face showed on Luffy's face which made the ship park nearby)

(Luffy inside with the confused but seeing that it was a restaurant they decided to stay and eat, they asked for a table for three where after sitting down they were served by a blond boy with a swirl-shaped eyebrow, the boy asked for his orders normally which left Luffy incredulous when he saw that Sanji did not act like Always with Ulti there)

(Even so, the three asked for their orders and then went to cook the orders, when they were ready, a red-haired girl older than the blond boy took the orders and took them to the three children's table where two of them acted normal but Luffy saw her I'm surprised)

Luffy: [what is she doing here?]

(The one in front of him was Vismoke Reiju, Sanji's sister, while he thought, the girl when he saw him only chose to blush, he didn't know why but he saw in that boy a power that he had never seen even in his family, that was annoying notably to Ulti which his brother noticed but he didn't care, he was grateful to him and it bothered him that in the end Ulti ended up with him)

(Ulti only chose to hit the girl to get her out of her trance, she rubbed her head and then looked at Ulti angry for ruining the moment, Ulti just returned her look while Page swore to see lightning come out of her eyes)

(Reiju left still angry at Ulti for ruining the moment as the three of them just ate their food)


Hello! I'm sorry for not updating in two months or so, I'm really sorry and I'll try to translate this quickly so that you have all the original chapters and soon the future ones, have a wonderful day and a nice morning/afternoon/night!

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