Chapter 5: Making a name in the East Blue

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(Ulti bumped heads angrily with the pink-haired girl who was the same)

(This was observed by a confused Luffy and a blank expression from Page one)

(But that's when Sanji arrived and told his sister to go ask for the customers' orders)

(Reiju accepted but before leaving he sent a glare at Ulti who returned the look)

(Luffy got up and went to the bathroom, when he got there he went out a small window and then went to the back door where the kitchen was, he settled there and waited a bit)

(After a while Sanji arrived who brought some dishes, when he saw him there he approached and asked him)

Sanji: what are you doing here?

Luffy: na watching the sea *said simply*

(Both remained in a silence which was broken by a question from Luffy)

Luffy: tell me do you have a dream?

Sanji: *nervous* y-yes, have you ever heard of All Blue?

(Luffy denied, although he already knew what it was, he wanted to hear the story again, Sanji told him the story of the All Blue, the place where all types of fish gathered in one sea)

Sanji: That place is lost, no one knows its location and I...

Luffy: you want to find it *Sanji nodded his head* well let me tell you that I hope you fulfill that dream *Sanji made a surprised expression*

Sanji: aren't you going to say that my dream is impossible?

Luffy: remember, the actions that could be categorized as "impossible" are not impossible, just that no one has ever tried, your dream is possible if you believe in it

(Sanji made a thoughtful face as Luffy slowly walked away)

Sanji: [my dream... possible?]

Time Skit>>>

(Luffy was paying for everything while Page one and Ulti were waiting on the ship, Luffy stayed talking for a while with Zeff, the owner of the Baratie and although he did not accept it, he was the father of Sanji and Reiju)

Luffy: Take it for your trouble *he said as he tried to give him a big sack of money but Zeff wouldn't accept it*

Zeff: why so soon?

Luffy: I like to help *he said pushing the sack on top of Zeff* goodbye

(Luffy ran and then jumped landing on the ship, the three set sail being seen by Reiju and Sanji who were helping Zeff to stand up)

Luffy: Use it for the ship!! *shouted as he said goodbye to the three together with Page one while Ulti made threats to Reiju from afar*

Time Skit>>>

(Ulti was lying on the deck while her face showed an irritated and bored expression, Luffy was next to her with the same expression, Page one was on a deck chair while only wearing shorts, her skin was quite red because of how hot it was)

Page one: Ctm, it can't be that HEAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!

(Page one fell to the floor while burning like an egg when it is frying)

(Ulti was going to say something but his face scrunched up trying to remember what he was going to say)

(Luffy was on the ground while he was trying to think of something to entertain himself)

(The three fell into an awkward silence as each tried to think of a topic of conversation)


Luffy: [which comes first, the chicken or the egg?]

Page one: [🎶From space something very special came to him, and he caught it and all secrets he will know🎶]

(Suddenly the sound of a cannon being fired caught the attention of the three)

(They got up and saw a ship, no, a galleon in front of them, the galleon was inhabited by several pirates who pointed their rifles at them)

???: this ship will be taken over by the Don Krieg pirates!!

(Luffy's antenna turned on and he looked at the person speaking, it was a tall man with light purple hair, wearing gold armor)

Ulti: I didn't want to admit it but... I confirm X3

Luffy: but let's finish with these clowns and stay with their galleon >:)

Ulti: yes, throw ourselves into the punches without fear bitch >:)

Page one: specific phrase >:)

(Ulti took his hybrid form and pounced on several pirates who died after a while)

(Page one entered his hybrid form also starting to defeat the pirates that were approaching him)

(Luffy just started to defeat several pirates and when he was in front of the boss who was Don Krieg he ran towards him)

Luffy: Gomu Gomu no... *stretching out his arm*

(Luffy then began to return his arm as it turned metallic black causing Krieg to get confused, he just covered himself with his spiked cloak thinking that would be enough but)

Luffy: Hawk Bullet!!

(Luffy gave a blow with his black arm so that the cloak is destroyed, hitting Krieg's face with his fist, who could not bear the force of the attack and ended up being sent away from the place)

(The black color disappeared from Luffy's arm showing that it was intact, Luffy just laughed seeing that Krieg was still just a weakling, he approached his nakamas and asked)

Luffy: are you done yet?

Both: yes

Luffy: Well, let's celebrate, right?

Both: Yes we go partying!!

Luffy: yes we are going to eat a lot!! [I wonder what happened to the guy who helped Sanji, I didn't feel his presence here, and I wanted to join my crew :( ]

(Two of the crew went to the Galeon's galley to get the food out while the other went to his original ship and steered it)


(Several marines were talking about a certain group of three that have been causing havoc in the East Blue lately)

???: what are we going to be with that brat, he attacked one of our bases in the East Blue in addition to killing Arlong "la sierra" and destroying an entire kingdom of nobles with whom the teryuubitos thought to associate but most importantly he child has been seen using armor haki

(That greatly surprised the marines who were not expecting this information)

???: impossible, no one could know or master Haki in that place, much less a child

???: this must be a fucking joke

???: we have to put a reward on him, we won't be able to ignore him for a long time, besides that boy from what we saw is going to be a pirate

(A strong blow resounded through the room, destroying a wall, the one that caused it was Admiral Sakazuki Akainu, who could see several veins on his head and began to emanate lava from his body)

Akainu: a brat wants to become a pirate? Send two vice admirals, to show that boy true absolute justice...

(Several marines shouted in agreement while others felt sorry for the child, although a certain vice admiral of the navy was worried about his grandson, did they wonder how he had discovered it was him? When he heard the description, the image of his grandson came to his head )

(Big battles and adventures are coming for Monkey D. Luffy and he was prepared for everything that happens)


I don't know why I always leave this story so abandoned... well, if you want the next chapter quickly, say so in the comments so I can do it now XD Goodbye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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