chapter 2- Halloween

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a/n: slight spice later on in the chapter:)

Phoebe sat on the couch as her mom took Polaroids of her brother in his Ghostbusters costume. His teeth had come in just before the new school year had started and it's all him or their mom could talk about.

"Ah! Let me see those pearls, baby!" Ms. Henderson exclaimed as she held up the camera for the sixth picture. Phoebe chuckled as she made a face at her brother. He gave her a glare before posing for yet another picture.

"Phoebe, honey, where's your costume?" her mom asked.

"Um, I don't really have one. I don't even know if I'm going out tonight," Phoebe replied with a sigh.

"What about Tina's party? I saw the flyer in your car," Dustin asked.

"Yeah, I don't know, bud. It sounds kinda fun, but I don't know..." she trailed off as she stood up.

"Well I think you should go, you haven't been out in a while. It sounds fun, you used to love going to Tina's!" her mom encouraged.

"Maybe later," Phoebe quietly said as she walked into her bedroom. She sat on her bed looking at the costume on the hanger in her closet. She had gotten all the pieces weeks ago. She was going to wear one of the outfits from Sixteen Candles, one of her favorite movies. The solid black shirt and brown-ish plaid skirt hung there, almost taunting her. She heard the front door shut, meaning that her mom had left to drop her brother off at the Wheeler's. Phoebe decided that she might as well spend the night with some friends instead of sitting alone in her room and started getting ready.


Phoebe had to park almost two blocks away, but she could hear the music blaring from Tina's house. She walked toward the house, past dozens of cars. The whole school must be here, she thought to herself as she saw a huge crowd gathered on the lawn, most of them surrounding something. As she got to the front door she looked to the lawn, seeing a muscular, blond boy in all denim spitting into the air. Tommy H. stood on one side of him and whooped along with the rest of the people watching. Phoebe scanned the blond, faintly recognizing him from the parking lot at school. He drove a bright, blue Camaro and always wore a denim jacket. Billy, she was pretty sure his name was, sauntered to the front door with an entourage behind him.

Phoebe stood on the step as the group of boys paraded into the house, Billy stopped for a second, looked her up and down, and shot her a wink. She wanted to make a face in disgust, but she couldn't help the pink tint and warmth that rushed to her cheeks as she looked inside. As soon as she stepped inside her ears were filled with loud dance music, and bodies moving in every direction around her. She did a quick survey of the room, trying to decide where to go first. Her eyes landed on Steve and Nancy in the middle, dancing. Phoebe couldn't help but smile when she saw Steve with sunglasses on and his hair flopping to the music, a huge smile on his face. Phoebe decided to stop in the kitchen for a drink before mingling.

She filled herself a cup with whatever red liquid was in the large bowl. The sip burned as it hit her tongue, telling her that there was some sort of alcohol mixed in. She coughed as she drained the cup and grabbed a handful of chips. She stood to the side and watched as Nancy surveyed the snacks.

"What is this?" she heard Nancy ask the boy who was chugging a cup of the liquid.

"Pure FUEL!" he exclaimed as he finished the drink. Nancy filled herself a cup, drained it, and then filled another. Phoebe was somewhat shocked by Nancy's drinking. Phoebe watched Nancy rejoin the group and Steve's eyes landed on her. The two shared a smile before Steve walked over to her.

"Risky Business, really?" Phoebe chuckled as she pointed to his costume.

"Well, I mean, I believe it was you that told me I kinda looked like him," Steve retorted.

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