Chapter 2 ~ Band Mates

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Its been a week since I asked Lou about telling everyone about us. Once I asked him, he just brushed it off and changed the subject. It really hurt me, what happens if he doesn't love me anymore or even worse ... he wants to end it with me and just go back to being friends?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Zayn who is snapping his fingers in front of my face

'' You okay mate, you just spaced out"

"Sorry have a lot on my mind" because its true we have so much going on as a band, we've started writing and recording songs for our new album FOUR, we're on the "Where We Are Now" tour, Interviews and all that jazz. On top of that I have to keep my relationship a secret because of the stupid homophobic twats and management that wouldn't accept us and let us be happy.

"Its okay mate, whats on your mind?" Zayn ask's with a cheeky grin

Crap.. Lou and I made sure that we wouldn't tell anybody about us. But on the other hand Zayn is one of my best mates and is in the band, we never have kept secrets from each other so why start now?

" Zayn can you pleases bring in all the boys, if anyone asks why? Tell them Harry has something important to tell you."

"No problem, be right back." and with that Zayn is out the door walking through the kitchen.

About eight minutes later incomes Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis saying there hellos and how are yous? After we all talked and laughed for a bit Liam ask.

"Anyway, Harry what did you want to talk to us about?" I freeze, My palms are getting sweaty and I start to bop my knee up and down . I start to have a panic attack inside.

"Oi Harry you okay mate, you look like your about to pass out!" Niall chuckles. Little did he know why I was so nervous. I give Louis a look which tells him to stand up and walk outside. He dose that and I get up and follow him saying a quick excuse me to the lads.

"Harry are you alright love, you like a little worried and pale?'' Lou rubbed my back and soothed me until I was ready to talk.

"Sorry Lou its just, Zayn asked me why i was so stressed out lately and I told him to bring all the lads in there so I could tell them about us..." After I finish just break down and start to cry, all that's going through my head is that Lou is going to end it since I would of gone behind his back and told them about us. Little did I expect what came out of his mouth.

"Oh Harry Hun its okay, Sh its okay love don't worry i understand its tough and that you feel we should tell them. I was just scared they would hate us and kick us out of the band, but I trust you and think we should tell them." He said so gentle and and sweet.

I look up at him through my blurred vision, he uses his thumb to wipe away my tears and all I can do is kiss those lovely plump lips of his.

"Lou I'm sorry I didn't warn you before I just was fed up with keeping it a secret from my best mates, I love you so much Lou. Don't ever forget that." I say that with all my heart because I really do love him. Probably more then he knows, but I will change that one day. One day he will be mine, with a ring to prove it.

"Its okay Harry, I love you too. More then you could ever imagine." Lou brushes away one of my loose curs and gives me a tight squeeze.

"Shall we go tell them then Hazza?" Lou smiles fondly.

"I believe we should!" I smile even bigger.

When we enter the room again Liam ask me if I'm alright and I nod my head before looking at Lou to look at him with a now? look. he looks me straight in the eye and nods his head. So I begin

"As you guys should know there has been rumors about Lou and I, those rumors are bout Lou and I getting together, not as in friends but as in a relationship. They call us "Larry Stylinson'' For Lou and I it wasn't a problem, Until I accepted that I am in fact Bisexual. I made the decision that I could not tell anyone. But I felt that if I told Lou then he would give me advise on how to tell you guys. When I told Lou at first he stared at me, it felt like forever before he said anything but instead of talking to about it he lend over and kissed me. I was totally in shock until he told me that he was in fact gay. After that night I started to fall in love with the one and only Louis Tomlinson. After about a week I worked up the courage to ask him on a date, when I did he answered me with a loud scream, it was a happy scream don't worry. And then a yes. Which brings me here to tell you that Lou and I are.. Louis and I are a couple." I finish and look up to see a teared up Louis, a mouth open shocked Zayn, A smiling Niall and a confused Liam.

"Harry so your telling me that you and Lou are together like.. like boyfriends?"

"Yeah we are" i respond strong and confident.

And then the next thing i know i have been tackled by three grown men.

"We are really happy for you guys, we are a bit upset you didn't tell us earlier but that's okay." They stand up and leave to get back to work. I look over at Louis and know this is just the start if something great.


Hey guys hope you had/have a nice day! So I am sort of happy for how my first book ever is going plz leave a comment and vote ⭐️ ~Lizzy

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