Chapter 6 ~ Taken Away

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Hello.... I know I haven't updated in ages but I'm going to update at least once or twice a week now. Sorry for leaving you all 😘❤️

~ Liam's pov ~
I roll over onto my side and open my eyes to be met with a crystal blue pair of eyes.
"Morning handsome" Niall smiles and brushes my bed hair out of my eyes.
"Morning love" I lean over to kiss him, but he pulls away. "I've got morning breath Li" he scrunches up his noes, sits up and gets out of bed. I pout and follow getting out of bed. Niall walks over to the dressers and pulls out a pair of grey sweats for me, and a black pair for him. I pull them on and walk into the bathroom, I look in the mirror, running a hand through my messy hair. I grab my tooth brush as a sleepy Niall walks in doing the same action.
Once we're finished, we walk out and go into the kitchen. Niall takes a seat on one of the stools while I get two cups of peach and mango tea ready.

"Liam..." He starts but slowly mumbles the rest.

"Pardon Ni babe, what did you say?" I ask as I turn around with the two cups of tea, handing one to Niall.

"Liamithinkweshouldtelltheboysaboutus." He bursts out. I step back a bit from his sudden outburst.
"Niall run that by me one more time, and this time slower." He nods, taking a sip of his drink before he starts to explain.

"I think we should tell the boys about us, I mean just yesterday, Mr Grey told us that he doesn't accept gay people, but I don't want to hide it from them anymore, what happens if Mr Grey does find out? We might only have a short time together Li, and I want to tell the boys before it's over..." Niall's voice cracks at the end, and he looks like he's about to break out into tears. I walk around and pull him into a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"Niall love, it's never going to be over okay? Your my forever, Niall, and I won't let them break us up. I promise." I say, kissing his head one more time. "And of course we can tell the lads, I think that's a great idea." I smile and Niall looks up too me, I lean down and kiss his lips softly.

"You go notify the boys that we need to talk to them in the meeting room, okay?"

"Okay" Niall pecks my cheek before grabbing his phone to make a couple of phone calls.


Louis POV

I slip my black converses on and adjust my beanie looking in the mirror. I call out for Harry to hurry up. He comes walking down the hallway with his hair in a little bun. And God he looks sexy with a man bun. He takes one look at him self in the mirror before slipping on a pair of old worn out brown boots, and slips on his coat. I reach for his hand, intwining our fingers and walking out the door.

"What do you thinks so important that Ni and Li have us coming to the meeting room at 10:30 am?" Harry questions.

"I dunno, I mean whatever it is, it must be important by the sound of Niall on the phone." I answer.

We walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence, with a bit of small talk here and there. Once we walk out of the apartment building, and just down the road to the big office where most of our meetings are held, we see a tried Zayn walking in rubbing his eyes. We jog over to him and call out his name in unison.

"ZAYN!" He turns around and gives a small smile and a wave.

We all walk to the elevator and up to the 4th floor. Once the elevator doors open, we walk down the long hallway before getting to the glass doors of the meeting room. I open it up for Harry and Zayn before walking in myself, we take a seat in the middle of the table and wait for Niall and Liam to get here.

A few minutes later ,a nervous Niall and calm Liam walk up to the door before turning to each other and talking for a few minutes before opening the door, sitting down next to each other across from Zayn, Harry and I. Liam speaks up first.

"Thanks Lads for coming here in such short notice, it's just, Niall and I needed to tell you something important." He looks from Niall, to us, and back to Niall, as if asking if he could continue, Niall gave him a small nod.

"Okay.....for months, Niall and I have been getting.... Um... Closer. And a few months ago I asked Niall to um be my... Be my" he took a deep breath before continuing.

"I asked Niall to be my boyfriend." He looks up from his lap to us, he looks at me and I break out into a huge smile.

"That's great guys! Why didn't you tell us sooner though? We would have accepted you." I ask, with a little tone of hurt in my voice.

"We just weren't ready to tell anyone, I know that we should have to you boys, but Liam and I just were'nt comfortable with coming out. But I'm so glad we did now." Niall smiles and grabs Liam's hand. I'm about to make a comment about how it's alright when the lights start to flicker.

"What the hell..." Harry says. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it. And after a minute of the lights flickering the lights go off.

"Why did they turn off? Nobody else is in the building but us." Zayn whispers. Niall and Liam stand up and walk over to us.

"Maybe it's just a little fault in the system, let's just wait for them to come back on before we leave, its too dark, and the elevator probably isn't working either." Liam whispers.

We sit in silence for five minutes before we here a gunshot. We all jump and hold each other. Harry holds me extra close, and I squeeze my eyes shut, praying that the gunshot wasn't coming from this building.

"Someone is in the building." Niall whispers, and then we hear a second gunshot and someone shouting.

"I DONT THINK THEY ARE ON THIS FLOOR!" That's when a realise that the people were talking about us.

"Oh my god, they're after us.... They're after us! What do we do?" I whisper, freaking out. I mean they have guns! We are pretty much going to die.

"I think they are on floor two, which is two floors below us. That means we could get to the next floors and try to escape." Harry whispers to us.

"No way, they are probably coming up to this floor right now. It's to risky." As Liam says that, there's another loud noise, but this one was the sound of doors being broken down. Oh god, they're on this floor.


"Everyone under the table, now!" Harry whispers. I'm pulled down by him and Liam getting under the table. By this point, I'm shaking with fear, holding onto Harry as if my life depends on it.

We hear footsteps going in and out of some of the other rooms on the 4th floor. I open my eyes a little bit, as I open them, a bright light shines through the glass doors just above the table. My breathing quickens as the door opens, and four men in army suits walk in. They walk around the table, flashing their flashlights, looking for any movement. Just as I thought they were going to leave, one man turns around and flashes his light right at me. Let out a small yelp as it shines into my eyes.

"OI, OVER HERE! I KNEW THEY WERE IN HERE AL!" One man shouts and runs over, bending down and grabbing for my arm. The other four men come running in and grab the other boys. I try to put up a fight by thrashing, yelling, but I'm in so much shock, so it's no use. We all try to stop them from dragging us out of the room. We get taken down too the emergency stairs since the power is out. They cover our heads with a cloth, and the last thing I see before I black out is Harry looking at me with lots of worry in his eyes. He screams out my name, but I black out before I can reply.

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