Chapter 3 ~ Management Problems

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-Louis Pov-

Its been a week since we told the lads and to be totally honest I have never felt so free in my life. There is just one thing that could make all the stress go away, and that is to tell management. Obviously we haven't told them for a reason, Harry and I are more then scared that 1. they wouldn't accept us and 2. They would break us up. But I think that we should tell them, the only problem with that is will Harry agree?

I decided I needed to talk to him, I get up from my place on the sofa grab my tea cup and head towards the kitchen to wash my cup. As I'm cleaning my cup I am thinking what to say to Harry. As I'm think all these bad thoughts flood my brain, everything that could possibly go wrong I am thinking about ( I tend to over think things) I get up and walk over to Harry's and my room. I knock on the door before I hear a come in.

Harry's laying on the bed in a black and white kitten onesie. And he looks so adorable with his messy curls just brushing his eyelashes when he blinks, mm I could just stare at him forever. I'm taken out of my thoughts by a yelling/giggling Harry.

"Earth to Lou, Hello is anyone in there?"

"Oh sorry Hazza just.. uh.. well i just um.."

''Was just staring out how adorable and cute I look?" Harry ends the sentence for me, and to be quite honest it was a bit embarrassing because how did he know that?

"Um may I ask how you knew that?" I say regretting the moment I asked.

"You told me when you where deep in your thought" Harry laughs it off like it was nothing.

"Thank you by the way" he winks at me, at that moment I new I needed to sit down because god hes making me go weak at the knees.

"CRAP! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it out loud." I blush as I sit down.

"Its alright Lou, don't need to get your knickers in a twist." Harry laughs, and I stand up grab a pillow and hit him.

"OUCH, what did you do that for. It was a joke." Harry says and dramatically rubs his arm.

"You don't mess with King Louis, obviously you should know that by now Harold. And if you don't I will call your mother."

"And what will my mother do, King Louis?"

"She will come around and smack your lovely little booty and send you to the naughty corner!" I reply as dramatic as I can.

"Sassy little Louis, sassy and dramatic little Louis." Harry says with a tone of sarcasm.

"Excuse me Harold, did I tell you you could speak?" before he can reply I say

"That's what I thought." after that we break out laughing so hard that Harry nearly falls off the bed.

"Anyway Lou, what did you want to talk to me about?" and that's when I freeze, Harry obviously notices but lets me answer him before he jumps to conclusions.

"I uh, well um I was ergh. I was think a little while ago and was just wondering if maybe we should maybe ....." I whisper the last part but I think he hears it but he makes me repeat it.

"Lou sorry, what did you say?" Harry asks in a shaky voice.

"Um I said that , that we should go and tell management." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Okay uh two questions, first what made you think of this? And second why?"

"Okay then well uh I was just thinking about how we have been even happier now that we've told the lads and well I thought why not tell management as well, I mean they are gonna find out anyway why not now?" I reply and it felt good to let that out.

"Well I guess if your ready I am too." Harry smiles and shows off his dimples which makes me feel all warm inside.

''When do you want to tell them?" I ask because I would honestly go and tell them now.

"If its okay with you can we um can we do it now?" Harry replies, his eyes looking straight into mine. I lean down and kiss is perfectly plump pink lips of his.

Our lips move in sync like they where made for each other. Harry likes my bottom lip asking for entrance, I happily let him in. Our tongues do the tango for awhile until we pull away.

"Sure we can." I breath out and grab his hand.

"LOU STOP, I CANT GO LOOKING LIKE THIS" Harry screams. I don't loose my grip though I try to pull him. I forgot how strong Harry is because the next thing I know he has scooped me up bridal style and is carrying me back to our room so he can change.


"Not unless I can change."

'Fine, but be quick and when we get back you are putting it back on because you look cute as a kitten." because we all know its true.

After twenty minutes we are sitting at a large wooden desk, I believe its oak wood. My knees wont stay still and I am gripping harry's hand for what seems like forever before they speak up.

"So Harry and Louis what brings you lovely gentlemen here today?" A lady with brown hair, a black blouse with a blue under top, a pair of black skinny jeans and white heels asks.

"Uh well we have something we need to tell you." I speak up, Harry gives me one last smile before he goes on and tells them everything. Everything right from the beginning. At this point in time as he is talking it makes me realize how much feelings I have for the curly haired green eyed boy. And at this point in time I realize that I Love Him.

"Well then, this is some news isn't it." Shes says after we had finished talking.

"Yeah well we thought you guys should know. We didn't want anything bad to happen between us or anything like that." Harry replies and squeezes my hand.

"Um Mrs Fall, will you ergh are you okay with this. Like can Harry and I be a couple?" I choke out.

"Of course we are, but you know that if people start to ask we will not hide telling them. Your on your own when it comes to things like that since this would be a true rumor." She says. I was quite shocked when she said it but shook it off.

"Sorry to rush out boys but I have another meeting in seven minutes with this new band called Five Seconds Of Summer. We may have a new opening act for your new tour. Anyway thanks for letting us know boys, wish you all the best with it." and with that she gets up and leaves.

'Well that went surprisingly well Lou, we don't have to split up or anything." Harry has the biggest smile on his face.

"Yeah we have nothing to worry about which is great!" I smile back at him.

Little did I know what the future had planned out, and it sure didn't agree with with my statement.



So how are we all. I hope you really liked this chapter, have a cliff hanger at the end :P

So anyway i gotta go and have a shower and all that stuff. Goodnight/day/afternoon ~ Lizzy xx

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