Chapter 15

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Me and daddy went to the kitchen to make breakfast and finally I can have my sippy cup out in the open and act however I want. "Daddy hurry up." I became impatient waiting for the food.

"Little one it will take a little while longer, why don't you pick out a movie for us to watch today" daddy was getting a little annoyed with me I think. I went to the living room and by the time I picked out a movie, which is Tangled our food was ready. Daddy feed me the whole time making sure I ate everything.

When the movie was over we decided to go to the park because watching tangled made me want to be in nature. Jordan got changed first then helped me get changed into a cute pink outfit. When we got there I quickly ran up the play place to go down the slide.

"Hold on baby your gonna hurt yourself." Daddy ran over to the bottom of the slide so quick he was like the flash. He caught me every time I went down the slide, which was like a million times.

"Dada...I" I started tearing up. "What is it, are you hurt?" He frantically started looking all over my body for wounds until he noticed how heavy my butt felt and realized I peed in my diaper. "Baby it's okay that's why I made you wear it." He tried to reassure me but you could tell he didn't know what to do because we were at the park without another diaper.

He started to look around trying to figure the best plan to do until someone walked up to him. "Excuse me, sorry to disturb you but is this your little?" the stranger asked daddy, he looked kind and around our age. "Umm.. yea" daddy was taken by surprise. "I have my own little so I could tell. What's wrong? You look freaked out." The stranger asked giving me a smile and a small wave.

"I–ummm...she peed in her diaper and I don't have another one and this is the first time I've tried diapers out with her" he rambled, I'm shocked the stranger understood what he said cause I didn't. "It's okay, just breath. I have a diaper that I carry for my little that you can use." He smiled at us both then opened up his backpack and pulled a diaper out. "Thank you so much, your a lifesaver" daddy exclaimed grabbing the diaper and pulling the stranger into a hug, and I gave him a small smile.

We went to the public washrooms at the park and went into one of the big stalls for daddy to change me. When we got back out we walked up to the stranger while holding hands. "Tank u" I said hiding behind daddy hugging him.

"No problem at all" he smiled "My names Alex, we actually go to the same school." He chuckled, embarrassed if we didn't know that. My face lit up and I stepped out from hiding behind daddy. "You in math" I started bouncing up and down excited that I knew him. "Oh yea, your always with that one kid, Declan I think his name is" daddy added. "Yea Declan's my boyfriends and also my little." Alex eyes lit up talking about his little one.

"I just thought of an amazing idea. Why don't we have a play date one day! If that's okay with you?" He looked at me, I nodded my head in excitement. Forgetting that I didn't tell him my name I stuck out my hand "Rose" Alex chuckled and shook my hand. "Dada" I pointed at daddy. Daddy got all chocked up "It's Jordan and sorry about hugging you earlier." They both began to laugh "It's all good dude, I don't mind hugs." We all exchanged numbers even me, I got Alex's contact just in case I needed him and I couldn't find daddy.

Me and daddy headed home before Charlie got back and to hide all my little stuff again. I still didn't have my bedsheets all clean yet so I went into daddies bedroom and fell asleep on his bed while he was still cleaning up.

Jordan's POV
My baby disappeared for awhile and I started to worry a little, I looked in her room but she wasn't their. I walked into my room to put some of her toys in my closet to hide and found my little angel fast asleep hugging my pillow and sucking her thumb.

I quickly took a photo of her being all cute and all and changed it as my phone background. I don't even care if anyone sees this she is just too adorable. I laid down onto the bed and she immediately turned and cuddled onto me making the cutest little sigh in relief. I ended up falling asleep too until I heard a knock on my door and it creaking open.

My mind was to foggy from being tired to realize that it is probably Charlie and Rose was still cuddled up to me fast asleep. "Hey Jordan want to—What the fuck?" Charlie yelled.

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