Chapter 16

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Rose POV

I woke up with a startle, why the heck was someone yelling. Still barely awake I felt Jordan jump up " I-I can explain!" He yelled.

I slowly looked at the door to see who he was talking to. After blinking a couple times the blurry figure became clear and it was Charlie. I was confused for a second at why they were yelling at each other until I realized that this wasn't my room and Charlie just saw Jordan and me in his bed. My eyes lit up, I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room, locking myself in my room.

I heard yelling for over five minutes between Jordan and Charlie. Once it became silent I heard a knock on my door. "I think we have to tell him, panda girl" knowing it was just Jordan I opened the door, held onto his hand and nodded signifying that I wanted to tell Charlie.

We headed towards the living room where we could hear him yelling to himself. "Charlie we have something to tell you." I walked up to him placing a hand on his shoulder. "You better have a good reason to be in his bed!" Charlie implied.

I walked back to Jordan again and held his hand "we're dating" I said holding up our hands. "No way in hell are you guys dating, how is that even possible you both hate each other!" he yelled back at us. I squeezed Jordan's hand and flinched in response.

"I love her and she loves me!" Jordan declared to him, then looked into my eyes and gave me a small smile. "This is ridiculous," Charlie sighed "how long has this been going on?" He asked me, not wanting to look at Jordan anymore.

"We got together when you were on your trip." I replied trying to stay calm and big. "And do you really love him?" He asked me. "Yes, I truly do love him." I smiled with my face blushing a bit. Charlie stood there not saying anything for a long time until he started walking up to Jordan. "You hurt her, I'll kill you!" he said then walked past us to his room.

Me and Jordan looked at each other "Does that mean he's fine with us dating?" Jordan asked lifting a brow. "Yes!" I giggled at how silly his face looked right now. His face relaxed into a giant smile and he lifted me up and spun me around. After he let me back down I began to contemplate about something.

"What is it?" Jordan looked at me concerned. "Should we tell him about my age regression?" I said not wanting to hide anything from Charlie. "Only if you want to baby." he placed a kiss on my forehead. "I don't want to hide anymore and it would be worse if he randomly found out." I hugged myself into Jordan's chest. "Do you want to tell him right now?" He asked and I nodded. I knew if I didn't do it right now I never would. I looked up at him "But I want to tell him by myself." he cupped my face and planted a kiss on my lips "Okay, I will be out here if you need me." I did one big breath then made my way to Charlie's room.

While knocking on the door I said "Charlie I need to tell you about something else." He opened the door and I walked in, sitting on his bed patting beside me signalling for him to sit to. "What is it? It better not be that you do drugs!" he sat down and I laughed a bit. "Of course I would never do drugs, but what I want to talk about is unusual for someone to do, I know that but it is a good safe coping mechanism that I use and Jordan's helps me with it." Charlie stayed quiet waiting for me to say what it is and I appreciated him for that.

"I age regress, meaning I revert to a younger mindset. I regress to baby and toddler ages, so I like to use pacifiers and bottles and stuff. Jordan is my caregiver, he looks after me when I'm little, he makes sure I'm feed and plays with me, we even went to the park today to play." I said, all in one breath.

Charlie looked confused for a minute before giving me a smile "Okay, It will take me awhile to fully understand it but I can't wait to meet little you." he patted me on my head. I hugged him as tight as I could "Thanks for being okay with it." we stayed hugging for awhile.

I ran out of his room back to Jordan "He's okay with it!" I ran up to him and basically jumped into a hug with him. "That's amazing baby. Now you don't have to hide and you can be little whenever you want." Jordan spun me around in excitement. " mmhm" I nodded.

Charlie came out of his room so Jordan lifted me and sat me on the couch. He sat down next to me and Charlie came and sat down at the couch in front of us. "Do you want to go out and buy things for when your little?" He asked to my surprise. I looked over at Jordan "Can we?" I said excitedly looking for his approval. "I mean we have some stuff but i was planning to get stuff for you anyways, so sure." He got up from the couch and lifted me up off too "Lets get your shoes on." we walked towards the front door and Charlie followed. After they got their shoes on and Jordan helped me put mine on, we made our way to the store.

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