The killers hell

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N and V soon charged at M which just shot them back with a shot gun then throws knifes at them but N blocked V from them with his wing then started to shoot bullets at M but she dashed to the sides and lunges at N but luckily he stabbed his stinger into her eye making her stunned. As she cry's in pain V kicks her face and she was thrown aback but got up and slashed V by her leg then punched her but before she could do anything else N shot the hell out of her with his gun (obviously)

N: you alright V?
V: yeah.
M: hahahaha welcome to my special hell you two have fun dying to this while your at it.
Then a grenade lurcher came out of her cone shaped arm and she blasted them with grenades but luckily they were not Hoyt by any yet. V then stabbed M in the stomach with her stinger and she immediately put saliva on her mouth to heal the wound while having a knife. Once healed she throws the knife at V which lands on her arm.

N slowly Paul's the knife out and then charged straight into M and basically sliced the sh-t out of her then blasted her away from him only for him to meat a billion bullets to him by M. Then M gets her grenade luncher out again and fires it in random angles by a dash then shoot them all over again. Then after doing this strategy 10 rounds she dashed towards N and jumps into the air and slammed her fist down for bombs to appear around her. N doesn't get hit by them but then saw V behind M and slices her back a million times before M punched her visor and then grabbed her leg to fling her into a screen. She collapses but N catches her and placed her back down gently. Then blocked a missal with a  wing and then dashed towards M cutting her legs a bit then blasting her head.

M: y-y-you aRe pisSing m—-me off!
N: meh couldn't care less.
He trolled.
Then M starts to throw knifes at him but V then just deflected all the knifes like a bloody Jedi and then blasted M's arm  then slashed her stomach and then dashed backwards to not get hit by M's knifes. (Even though she can throw them but whatever.) M quickly gets up and fired grenades rapidly at them

N: V look out!!!
V: ohhhh SSHH-T!!!
V flew to the air as did N to avoid the barrage of grenades below them both and N decided to shoot M. that made her stop the endless grenades but it certainly didn't kill her and she punched N and deactivated her wings so she could land on his body very goddam hard but was suddenly slashed by V Very aggressively. Then V flew backwards to shoot M with a rocket that made her lose a arm.
M: oh what? Did I make you mad.
She said with a trolly voice in her tone with said puppy eyes.

V: yes actually and now you going to die just like your sh-tty murder-gram channel.
Then V immediately got two guns out of her arms and loaded them into M. After what seemed to be like 500 bullets M fell down on the ground then jumped back up to her feet and fired another rocket at V that made her go backwards then M got to knifes and lunged at V and sliced the hell out of her cutting her lip legs chest and after that she kicked V in the hip and swapped her knife for a gun and shot it at V that made her fall down to the floor. N suddenly got back up from the pain and quickly got back up and swiped his leg under M's and that made her trip up so N could then stab M with his stinger into M's chest. M back hands N to then land on the floor once again and put some saliva on her hand and then puts her said hand on her damage spot and got back up to see V and N back up.

M then gets out her swords and lunged at N and he blocks her slash but she now had to face them both at the same time and that was definitely going to be hard for her so she opened her wings and flew up and rained down bullets on them both. V and N blocked the shots with there wings but M flanked around them and sliced N's back and punched him in the face and then kicked away V but was shot while doing so. After healing all her wounds she got out two guns and started to spin around firing of bullets in different directions but V was wise enough to fly up and after she went dizzy V slashed her blades at M and basically just beat the sh-t out of her.

N managed to shoot M in the leg and that made her get triggered so while V that was now on her she shot N in the hip and dragged V off her by grabbing her arm and slammed her against the floor and swung her against a board that was in the now empty tent. N suddenly stabbed M through her chest making M shoulder barge N in his face and it made N take out his sword from the metal skin of M and while in pain he was able to kick M in the stomach to make her fall of the stage and also hearing a little scream while she dropped off said stage.

N pinned her down the ground by putting his foot oh her stomach.
M: now what are you going to do? Kill me? Torture me?
V then went to N's side.
V: probably interrogate you.
Then Uzi shouted while outside.
Uzi: yep.
M: sorry sweetie I'm not telling you anything!
Then M pointed a gun at her head and said her final words.

M: I hated my life anyways heh hahahaha (sad crying)
Then she fired it as veil leaked out of her hole in her head and her visor was just black no eyes no nothing just some left over tears were her cheeks with her mouth doing a tiny frown.
V: dam...she really killed herself out of hating her own life, that's f—ked up.
N: yeah actually, poor M.
D lands next to N holding a halfway ripped open head which made V just go crazy at seeing  such a violent way to rip up a head.

D: V calm your ass down.
V: what?! you know I can't do that when I see a Violent sight.
D: okey whatever...N can you pick her up or?
N: yeah uhhhh about that.
V: M shot herself but it was okay because she hated her life anyway.
D: oh...dam that's f—ked up.......nahhhhh it's probably fine anyway bye love bots.
D then jumps on a murder drone and snapped its head off then suddenly went to kill another drone.
V: I f—king love that girl! Hahaha.
N: well should we get going?
V: mhm.

Meanwhile outside of the tent every disassembly drone was laying dead on the snowy floor as H P Uzi C B D and Nick was outside just taking some breaths to region there energy and then noticed N and V. Uzi then saw N not holding M which made her question.

Uzi: N? Where's?
V: M shot herself because she hated her life.
Uzi: oh..............WEll hehe let's change the subject ahem luckily I have a back up plan, P if you please.
P: sooooooooo our Plan B ahem (no pun intended) is to basically find K and then use her as some knowledge of NEO's big fat ass ship.
B: and then we will basically have a advantage
P: yeah no sh-t Sherlock.
B: yeah I deserve that.

Murder drone: ummm should we tell her?
Murder drone: uh crap crap crap idk?
Murder drone: (sigh) c'mon let's just tell her.
The 3 drones open the doors that lead to the bridge only to see NEO looking out a window.
NEO: well well don't have to tell me, i already know.  But I don't care all that matters was that M managed to make that killing machine K so I'm not that mad you may leave.
The murder drones left the bridge kinda scared but they were definitely lucky to be living.

NEO: (stressed sigh)
Core: Captain, you are suffering from a 45% level of stress. Do you want something to drink?
NEO: yes...please.
The core then went to a hot oil machine then got a cup and filled it up and once it was finished the floating core hovered back to NEO.
Core: here, captain.
NEO: thanks
Core: Captain how are you going to kill the rebels?.
NEO: huh?
Core: you need to kill them don't you?
NEO: (sigh) yes your right (drinking) I'll go there in a couple of hours.
Core: good..

Somewhere in a unknown area.
???: everything is going as planned and luckily I was able to upgrade myself thanks to that phantom drone. But I must wait when my battle comes and only then will I see if there able to kill there killer.


Murder drones Disassembly acquired chapter 3 Where stories live. Discover now