Chapter 28

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Despite my feelings toward Jesse, I thanked him for helping me with the new safety sheet. He bowed his head slightly as a welcome and left the room with a quiet goodbye to Aidan. As soon as he'd left, I went over to Aidan and kneeled beside him. He still had his back to me, but I knew he was at least awake because he gave Jesse a half-hearted wave.

"Let's get you home," I whispered as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Could we do something when we get back?" he asked.

"Depends," I answered honestly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Some rope stuff again... just, to think," his voice was so soft, so anxious. "Shibari."

"Of course, sweetheart," I smiled, pecking at his temple. "Do you want me to help you outside?"

He turned around slowly, his eyes were red from the tears. He still hadn't stopped as I saw a tear slide down his cheek. His head moved slowly in a nod.

"Please," he said.

I turned my body for a moment and picked up his cracked whiteboard first then lifted him into my arms. As we left the office, his grip on me tightened. His legs wrapped around my frame and held me close. I felt his breath near my ear.

"I really am sorry," he whimpered. "I didn't think. I thought it'd help me, but it just made everyone sad."

"I know you are, baby, I know," I said. I felt annoyed, and uncomfortable at being used, but I did understand. We do bad things when we think it'll help, and I wanted to help him figure out what he could do to actually help himself. "Just, please don't use me like that again."

"It made you uncomfortable," he mumbled.

"Yeah," I said as we arrived at the car. "Yeah, it did. But, please, don't dwell on that right now. We had a moment, we're working through it. I'm not leaving, and I shouldn't have used that to make you realise."

As I set Aidan into the car, I heard my name from behind me. I turned to see Jesse jogging over.

"Sorry, sorry," he breathed out and he held out Aidan's marker. "Forgot this. I had to put some papers on your desk. Your father wants me to stop by yours at some point to go over the safety plan because a couple of things were missed. Said it should be okay, but I'm not going to uh-..."

"That's okay," I shrugged, taking the marker. "Come around dinner time, seven o'clock, maybe? I have something I need to help Aidan with first."

"Oh shit, right," he nodded. "He's living with you... We could do this tomorrow morning, early, instead?"

"No, no," I shook my head. "Just come around at seven and we'll work."

My car door was still open. Aidan was looking between us as we talked. He'd stayed silent the whole time but now Jesse's eyes were on him. I think he needed Aidan's okay before he agreed.

"It's okay," Aidan responded. "You can start proving you mean me no harm this way."

"I'll bring us dinner," Jesse said with a smile.

"Sure," Aidan answered. "Bring my favourite."

"His favourite is-..." I began.

"Donburi bowls," Jesse finished for me. "Unagi is his favourite."

My eyes must have widened in surprise because Aidan filled in the gaps.

"Before what happened, he was flirting with me at the club," Aidan answered. "He asked. And... he remembered?"

"I uh... I do remember," he shrugged. "I also remember everything you said and did. You were very sweet until my friends... um they were my friends. I don't speak to any of them anymore. Not even their families."

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