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: What if I tell you, that you are actually born with full Knowledge of everything in Cosmos..?

What if this Knowledge just needs a hand in order to reawaken within you..?

And imagine if this reawakened Knowledge within us, would make it unnecessary to repeat ‘’the mistakes of the past’’..?

Would you have the courage and open-mindedness to reawaken your Inner Knowledge and live by it..?

As they say: ‘’As Above So Below’’, and as it turns out, this can be found as a sensible statement within logical analysis as well..

So..if you’re up for trying to grasp how even the biggest mystery or the smallest of detail, the most unbelievable or the most mundane can actually be very plausible…I invite you all to keep reading..

In order to hopefully complete a new key that connects most knowledge available, we should start by first realizing, that the knowledge we have in here, in this human world, seems to consist of much division, many gabs and odd contradictions…in other words, it’s much too fractalized to give humans a much needed overall understanding and grasping of, what actually happened, where are we now, how does everything work, and what are we as a species..?

In this book I will therefore try and give my perspective on how all these fractals could be connected and described in a new and joined way, by also adding information, that from my perspective seems to have been ‘’lost’’ by humans, whether by theft, destruction or natural occurrence, and I do so in hopes and wishes of the betterment of humans understanding of themselves and everything else in a bigger perspective, thus seeking to provide them a powerful tool to Natural Evolution, free of suppression, manipulation, control and unneeded suffering…

As they say ‘’Knowledge Is Power’’.

This book will therefore try to cover as many topics as possible, but without repeating things already known in our publicly established knowledge…all in order to simply point out, if our knowledge is missing info, could be understood differently or maybe in general seem to need some redefining on how to understand terms and findings, whether they be from ‘’past’’ or present..

The span of topics can therefore not really be listed fully, but we will be looking at

Science, Religion, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Biologi, Politics, History, Archeology and much much more, not in order to ‘’find the right or wrongs’’ or to ‘’prove something without a doubt’’, but simply to unite them all, braiding them into One Gathered Perspective of Understanding, that the reader can then hopefully better grasp and discern by own Heart Value of Truth, what resonates as ‘’right’’ or fitting to you..?

I believe that all people should stop arguing and instead try to unite, because the Individual might be powerful and strong, so many Individuals united in harmonious, open discussions and workings can only be much more powerful and thereof Balance and Healing can truly arise to all societies in this Realm.

I do not know if this attempt will succeed, but I know for certain, that I will wholeheartedly make the attempt by a Pure Heart, and I will be honored, if you would be interested in making this journey with me..

As you are a magnificent and Free Being, feel the right to do with this information, as you please, discern by Heart, share freely if it feels right…all choices are in your loving and free I hope, you will enjoy:

Let’s begin our journey with some provoking questions to warm up Mind and Heart..

Perhaps you or someone close to you have had speculations like these:

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