Cosmos As A Two Sourced Original YinYang

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My sharp and wonderful reader has probably by now sensed that I might not be entirely ‘’like everyone else’’...good call, you did well..

I was born with what people usually call ‘’psychic abilities’’ ‘’extra sensory perception, ESP’’ etc, only I seem to be born with the full scale of it, and actually had to struggle already as a toddler in order to try and understand other humans, and this Realm that they have built.

Hence my readers will running through the book encounter special terms, not heard of before, and references to information that I have personally required since birth, and I add them to this book, because it’s my personal view, that in connecting and trying to understand ‘’the broken knowledge’’ we have in here…we simply must use all available skills and perspectives in order to complete this task…by logic it simply wouldn’t make sense to ‘’only use 3 tools’’, when you have a whole bag full..

So here follows one of my ‘’ability’’ experiences:

As I was Lucid Dreaming* every night for several months, above The Mind Control Grid* (see chapter called ‘’Dictionary’’ for definition), I was several times so ‘’far out’’ in the Cosmic Toroidal Field/Sphere* (an energy-shape like a perfect ball with a twirling figure 8 in it), that I experienced looking at, what I would term, 2 Original Sources..

I saw that the outer part of the Cosmic Toroidal Field/Sphere looked to me, as what I would call a ‘’membrane’’, but it wasn’t necessarily concretely defined, but more like ‘’a living vibrating, pulsing’’ membrane, expanding and contracting like a heartbeat or a pulse.

So if it has ‘’a limit’’, it seems hard for me to discern for sure, as I couldn’t see this clearly, because of the endless pulsating.

Looking closer at what it consists of, I saw these seemingly ‘’tiny dark (absence of light) spheres’’, and when I asked in my heart and mind ‘’what are you guys?’’, they (there were countless) answered ‘’We are stem cells'’ with a complete happy and loving feeling.

When I felt into them, they felt like they were most emotions (spirit) with no information/Intelligent Codes but rather I felt ‘’Potential’’, and when I asked in myself 

‘’I wonder, what they do?’’ 

I saw a sharp, blitz of Pure Light coming from ‘’another direction’’, this light sharp like an intense lightning bolt, and it zapped directly into one of the little dark spheres.

In the dark sphere, the sharp light swirled a specific Cosmic ‘’code’’ (see ‘’Cosmic Numbers’’ and ‘’DNA’’), and the dark sphere began to built ‘’physical life-form’’ exactly by that code, by swirling itself together with the light and using part of itself as ‘’glue’’ (Ether*) as tiny little material particles got pulled into the swirling now dark/light sphere.

At the end of the quicker and quicker swirling, I heard a voice from inside the sphere saying ‘’which shape do you want?’’ and then it began to manifest in one physical form, then swirled again and manifested another physical form, and so it kept going until in my mind, I heard myself going ‘’Oh ! so THAT’S how it happens !’’

Then the form shifting ended, and it turned back to only the little dark sphere, and two words appeared upon the dark sphere saying ‘’Unconditional - Potential’’ and the word ‘’stem cells’’ appeared again.

After this I naturally wondered, where the sharp lightning bolt light came from, and I turned my head in its ‘’direction’’.

As I did, I felt like putting sunglasses on, cause by a far point by the Cosmic Toroidal Field/Sphere Membrane, I saw a BIG ball of slightly swirling very BRIGHT white light, and I felt the intensity to be of such a magnitude, that I concluded, it must be something ‘’stronger and bigger’’ than a Natural Star, cause I’ve encountered many such in my experiences, but none came close to, what I was seeing now, and none had been so close to The Cosmic Toroidal Field/Sphere Membrane*.

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