Chapter 30 - Florence's POV

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I wake up to soft kisses being places on my forehead.

I let out a little giggle at the ticklish feeling. I lift my head up and look into Francisco's beautiful grey eyes.

"H-Hi l-luvbug" I tell him trying out the nickname. I watch his face for his reaction only to see adoration, confusion, and something else I can't recognize.

"Hi baby" he tells me while pushing my hair away from my face.

"D-Do y-you l-like t-the n-nickname?" I ask him shyly.

"I love it baby" he tells me with a sweet smile that shows off his dimple.

"Y-YAY" I clap my hands excitedly happy that he likes his new name.

He chuckles and sits up. I cling to him like a koala so I don't fall off of him. Once he's situated I situate myself by straddling his lap.

He looks over my face and gives me peck on my lips. I smile loving the way his lips feel on mine.

"Baby we have to get ready soon" he tells me playing with my hair.

I try to think if we have anything going on today but can't remember.

"W-Why?" I question curiously.

"Well Dr. Bianchi, my personal doctor from the mafia, as well as a therapist will be coming over today to speak to you" he tells me while rubbing soothing circles on my hip.

I take a moment to think over what he said. I'm a little scared to have to talk to all these new people but maybe they will be able to make me feel better.

"I-I h-have s-some que-questions" I tell him while playing with the hem of his shirt. He pats my hip as a gesture to continue.

"W-Why i-is D-Dr. B-Bianchi c-coming i-if h-he's n-not a t-therapist? A-And w-will y-you s-stay w-with m-me t-the w-whole t-time?" I ask the second question quickly, panicked at the possibility of me being alone with new people without him.

"Well the day that man broke in you passed out from a panic attack so I called Dr.Bianchi to come check on you. He said he wanted to see you back in three weeks for another check up. Plus I want him to make sure the therapist is doing a good job. As for me leaving I won't leave unless you want me to" he tells me calmly while holding me close to him.

"I-I d-don't w-want y-you t-to l-leave" I tell him quietly.

"Then I won't leave baby" he tells me rubbing my back up and down.

"P-Promise" I hold my pinky to him.

He locks pinky's with me and kisses my forehead signifying his promise.

"Should we get ready now baby?" he questions.

I nod my head and we get up and get ready. After we're both ready we head downstairs to the kitchen while Francisco makes bagels for breakfast.

We eat our bagels and clean up the kitchen once we have finished. We head to Francisco's office where he works and I play with Snowball.

After about an hour of that the doorbell rings. I quickly jump up and run to Francisco.

I run into him and hold onto him tightly. He holds me back cocooning me from the world.

"Baby what's wrong?" he questions worriedly.

"I-I'm sc-scared" I tell him honestly holding him tighter.

He pulls away and gently grabs my chin making me look him in the eye.

"Baby I'll be with you the whole time nothing bad is going to happen I promise" he promises gently.

I nod my head still holding onto him as if my life depended on it.

"You ready baby?" he asks quietly.

I let out a breath and nod my head pulling away from him. He grabs my hand and leads us down the stairs towards the door.

I hid behind his back still holding onto his shirt while he opens the door.

"Boss" I hear a gruff voice say.

Francisco greets the man and lets him in.

"Boss this is Dr. Viola. She's the best therapist in the country that specializes in helping victims of severe abuse" the man tells Francisco.

I grip his hand tighter at the mention of severe abuse. He squeezes my hand back and rubs comforting circles on my hand.

"Hello Mr. De Santis I'm glad I'm here to help" she tells Francisco flirtatiously.

He gives her a stiff nod while gesturing to the house.

"Where should we continue with the session?" Francisco questions.

Dr. Viola is quick to respond.

"I haven't received much information on the patient but I believe it would be beneficial if we continued somewhere where the patient feels safe. Speaking of where is the patient?" she conversed.

Taking a deep breath I peak over Francisco's back to get a look at the doctors standing in front of him.

Dr. Bianchi is an older man with salt and pepper hair and tan skin. He must be in his late fifties but he looks to be in very good shape. He sends me a grandfatherly smiley and wave.

I shyly waved back to him. I then look over at Dr. Viola. She seems to be in her early fifties with short black hair and golden brown skin. She send me a curt smile. I wave to her as well then retreat behind Francisco once again.

I gently tug on Francisco shirt which makes him turn to face me instantly. I wave closer to me and he gets the hint and leans down.

"W-We c-can g-go i-in y-your o-office i-if t-that's o-o-okay" I whisper into his ear. He nods his head and gives me a peck on my forehead.

"You okay baby?" he questions worry seeping in his whisper.

I nod my head and with one more kiss on my forehead he turns back around to face the doctors.

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