The start

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May 24th 1975 I had this journal when my older son bought it for me. I had for a while now.

I drive an old steam tram on sodor. His name is Toby. I will make a new log when something is up

May 27th 1975 I was listening to the news on my radio, And it said some Pyromaniac soldiers from America are taking over England also known as the mainline. I rushed outside and went to Sir Topham Hatt and said they were going to Vicarstown bridge. I heard on the radio that an engine came out of Vicarstown bridge. It had a coach and people with masks with flamethrowers and all sorts of terrorist weapon came out. They were burning down vicarstown and demolishing it, and Pip and Emma tried to escape. They Burned Pip's eye and said to stay alive they would have to transport them around the island. Pip said yes but with a plan She said get in the back coach. They traveled to Derek and Pip said Derek plan Z! Derek got fuel tankers and the Pyromaniacs didn't notice so they crashed and Pip and Emma exploded. Derek knew what had happened on the news. We made a deal with the Queen of England and she sent jinty and pug to fight off the pyromaniacs. However, The fight didn't last long before more pyromaniacs killed them! 

After Killing pip D261 Grab her express coaches and speeds off to the viaduct He was breaking his speed limit Due to some jammed points He derailed on his top

At the sheds 3 engines were from the England to help around D261's Driver survived he acted dead The pyromaniacs burned down the sheds their faces we shocked One escape the other 2 weren't so lucky D261 Driver jumped into the engine named Wendell We raced to Kellsthrope

Stepney train was there he derailed Wendell We were a dead couple of people we got out and went to the station luckly the pyromaniacs didn't see us we will stay here until a engine comes

D261 driver contacted us after seeing the radio I Took off Toby's brakes. We were at crosby at the time Toby speed atleast 100sps the fastest I ever seen him gone in like 10 years. We made it to elsbridge

We passed Emily Later we knew that Emily nor her driver didn't make it out We made it to knapford We pour water on to tobys firebox so he doesn't catch on fire and overheat. |

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