The night // Rami x Joe

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"Why don't you stay over? It's already late and the weather is shitty," Joe offered. He and Rami had been dating for quite some time now. Rami basically lived at Joe's house. Every night, however, he would go home. He would always find a reason why he had to. This time was no different, Rami shook his head immediately.
"I am expecting a very important work call tomorrow and I left my work phone at home." After kissing Joe goodbye, he left to go home.

A few days later, Rami stood in front of Joe's door. Joe invited him in with a serious expression on his face. 
"Never seen you this serious in your life. What's up?" Rami asked.
"We need to talk." Rami's expression changed from joyful to worried within seconds. He raised an eyebrow while he looked Joe in the eyes. 
"Are you going to break up with me?" Rami asked while he sat down on the couch. Joe's expression softened.
"No, not that serious." Rami let out a relieved breath.

"Do you trust me?" Joe asked. Rami immediately nodded. He trusted Joe blindly, he didn't have to think about that.
"Then why are you constantly making up excuses on why you can't stay over instead of telling me what the real reason is?" Joe asked. Rami's mouth opened before it immediately closed again. He scratched the back of his head.
"Shame?" Rami mumbled. His response was more a question than an answer.
"I don't care if you don't want to stay over if you really don't want to. I just wish that I know what is going on so we can find a solution together because I'd love for you to stay the night," Joe explained. Rami nodded slowly.

"You promise you won't judge?" Rami asked. His palms were starting to get sweaty so he quickly wiped them off on his jeans.
"Not the slightest, babe," Joe assured. Rami nodded again while swallowing hard.
"When I was 17, I was staying over at my aunt's house. Sami didn't come along so I was alone in the spare bedroom. I woke up to the sound of drawers opening. I immediately assumed it was Sami because we have always shared a room. So, I told him to keep it quiet. Turns out there was a bulgar in my room. He tried to keep me quiet but my shouting woke up my aunt and uncle and they caught him," Rami explained. Joe listened intently. Meanwhile, he tried to figure out what the connection was.
"Since then, I have always been scared at night. I can't sleep without a little night light turned on so there is at least some light in the room."

Joe placed a kiss on Rami's forehead before wandering off. He heard Rami standing up and making his way over to the front door.
"You'd better stay," Joe said. Which caused Rami to sit down again. Rami listened to the sound of Joe moving around stuff. When Joe walked back in, he held out a hand for Rami to take. He pulled his boyfriend along to his bedroom.
"I don't have a nightlight but how does this work?" Joe said while turning on a lamp that is carefully placed on a dresser in the hallway. Rami was convinced that the dresser wasn't there before. Joe left the door on a crack before he turned to look at Rami.
"Enough light?" Joe asked. Rami nodded.
"Can you sleep like this?" Rami asked. He wiped his sweaty palms off his jeans.
"Never tried it. But if this means I can sleep with you in one bed and cuddle all night, I will fucking learn to sleep with it," Joe said. Rami can't help but break out in a smile.
"Thank you."

Later that night, there were laying cuddled up on the couch.
"Hey, want to stay over?" Joe asked once the movie had ended.
"Yeah, I'd love to," Rami said, a huge smile coating his face.
"You can borrow some stuff if you'd like," Joe said while his lip corners pushed up as well.
"I actually have a bag in my car. I told myself every time to just suck it up and stay over," Rami said.
"If you get that, I'll clean everything," Joe said while motioning towards the table. Rami nodded before making his way over to the front door.

When Rami came back inside, Joe was waiting for him next to the bedroom door. They both headed to the bathroom to do their nighttime routine.
"I am kind of nervous, you are going to see me without make-up for the first time," Joe said. Rami laughed loudly.
"Bet you'd still be the most handsome man on planet earth." Now it's Joe's turn to laugh.

After getting ready and changing into their pyjamas, they crawled into the bed. 
"I'm going to turn the light on the nightstand off. Then you should tell me if the light is enough. And be honest," Joe said. When Joe turned the light off, he heard Rami's breath quicken. Joe grabbed his hand in his own, softly letting his thumb run over Rami's knuckles.
"My eyes need to get used to the dark first," Rami mumbled.

"The light is more than enough," Rami said after a few minutes.
"Okay, good. You seem like you could use a cuddle," Joe said. Rami hummed.
"Can- can you spoon me?" Rami asked.
"Of course. Can I kiss you goo-" before Joe was even finished, two lips were on his.

After sharing a series of kisses, Rami turned around. Joe scooted over so his front was completely pressed against Rami's back. He wrapped his arm around Rami's waist to pull him even closer before he nuzzled his face into Rami's hair. 
"Thank you. This makes me feel really safe," Rami said.
"Same. Thanks for staying the night," Joe mumbled into Rami's hair.
"More than happy to," Rami stated.
"Goodnight, babe."
"Goodnight, love."


Hey guys!

Thank you for reading this story! As you probably know, I have two finished fanfictions titled I'm going slightly mad & You don't fool me. Currently, I also have two fanfictions that are a work in progress.

Princess of the universeJoe, Ben and Gwil have been married for quite a while. They are finally ready to take on a new adventure in their life. When Scarlett, Rami's and Lucy's daughter, stays with them for a few days, Gwil is soon to realise that he is ready to be a dad. It turns out the process of adopting a child is not as easy as they hoped it turns out to be.

Doing alrightWhile filming Bohemian Rhapsody, both Ben and Joe realise they are quite fond of each other. After Ben asks Joe out, Joe doesn't hesitate to say yes. Their relationship goes quite smoothly until Ben does something neither of them sees coming.

Go to my profile to check them out!

And as always: take good care of yourself and others. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Xx Itsametaphorjoe 

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