Wasted // Hardzzello

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Ben groaned when he realized his phone was ringing. He rolled over in his bed before taking the phone off his nightstand. Without looking at the caller, he pushed the red button. Five minutes later, his phone rang again. Ben sighed before picking up.
"Hey, Benny. Finally." A voice said on the other end of the line.
"Joe? Why are you calling me?" Ben looked at the time, "at three in the morning?" Ben could hear Joe giggle on the other side of the line.
"Because you are my boyfriend." Ben cringed at the term. They had separated a few months prior after a three-year-long relationship.
"How drunk are you?" Ben asked.
"Absolutely fucking wasted."

"Where are you at?" Ben asked while he got out of bed.
"Come on, Joe, you idiot. Put that phone down. Drink the shot and I'll take you home. You're going to have a really good time there." Something in the tone of the unknown man didn't sit right with Ben.
"Joe, honey, don't drink it," Ben said. He pinched the bridge of his nose after saying the nickname.
"Why not?" Ben could almost hear him pout.
"Because I say so. And you love me, right?" Ben hated that he had to play it like this, but he had to keep Joe safe.
"Joe, where are you at? I'll come and pick you up."
"My favorite bar," Joe said before loudly singing along with the lyrics.

Just when Ben pulled up in front of the bar, a guy walked out with his arm wrapped around Joe's back. Ben hurried out of the car.
"Joe, honey," Ben said. Joe looked around, failing to see Ben. When Ben waved, Joe excitedly waved back. The man tried to pull Joe along, but Joe seemed far more interested in Ben.
"Honey, are you ready to go home?" Ben asked. Joe nodded. When the guy tried to lift Joe up, Ben was quick enough to get into action. He punched the guy straight in the nose. Which gave them enough time to get to the car. Ben pushed Joe into the backseat before hopping behind the wheel. He drove away as quickly as he could while he kept an eye on Joe through the rearview mirror.

They arrived at the hospital not much later. Ben had quite some work getting Joe into the emergency room. Joe had his arm around Ben's shoulder and was putting most of his weight on Ben. Joe also seemed distracted by everything. He giggled loudly at everything he deemed to be funny. Ben walked up to the desk.

"Hi, my friend went out for a few drinks, and well he is wasted. But I think his drink might have been spiked," Ben said. The lady asked for some more information before she led them to a room. She handed Ben a bottle of water.
"Can you see to it that he drinks all of this while you wait for the doctor to come in?" She asked.
"Of course. Thank you," Ben said.

"Hey, Joe. I have a secret to tell you," Ben said. Joe's eyes widened.
"But I'll only tell you after you drank all of this water." Ben didn't need to say twice. Before he knew it, Joe drank the entire bottle of water. Ben leaned in towards Joe.
"My sweatpants are on backward," Ben said. Joe looked down before giggling loudly.

When the doctor came in, Joe stayed quiet. Ben told the story once more. The doctor asked what seemed like a million questions. 
"Alright, from what I can see, he doesn't have any side effects. But there are drugs that take longer to kick in. So, I'll ask a nurse to come in to do a quick blood test."

Ben made Joe drink two more bottles of water while they were waiting on the results. Finally, the doctor walked back in.
"The blood tests are negative. So, there are no traces of drugs in his blood. As he has no side effects either, I don't see a reason to keep him here. If he starts getting side effects later tonight or tomorrow, please call 911. It is good that you brought him in because this could have been very dangerous."

As Ben didn't want to leave Joe alone, he took him over to his own place. He pushed Joe under the shower and quickly cleaned him up a bit. He grabbed a new toothbrush and sat Joe down on the closed toilet lid before letting him brush his teeth. Joe marched into the bedroom before opening a drawer of the dresser. He put on one of Ben's shirts. He let himself fall onto his back. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was sleeping. Ben shook his head. He grabbed his own shirt before making his way over to the living room.

The next morning Joe woke up with a groan. With his eyes still closed, he tried to find his phone on the nightstand. When he couldn't find it, he opened his eyes. He looked around for a second before his eyes became wide. He spotted his clothes neatly folded in the corner. His phone was laying right on top. Joe quickly pulled Ben's shirt over his head, throwing it on the bed before putting on his own clothes. He nearly gagged at the smell of sweat and alcohol.

While he tried to make his way out of the house quietly, Ben walked up to him.
"Mornin' Joe. How are you feeling?" Ben asked.
"A little bit hungover, but not as much as expected with this stance," Joe said while pushing his shirt up to his nose.
"No unusual pains or feelings?" Joe raised an eyebrow.
"No. Should I?"

"I made us some breakfast. I'll you to everything, because I assume you don't remember much?" Ben asked. Joe shook his head.
"Ben, I don't know if I should."
"It's only breakfast. I only want to talk about last night." Joe took a shaky breath before following Ben into the kitchen. Ben told the entire story, but he left out some details.
"And why exactly does your hand look like that?"
"Oh, I had to punch the guy to get you away from him," Ben explained. Joe shook his head in unbelieve.

"How is it possible that I am not hungover? According to your story I was black-out drunk."
"I made you drink four bottles of water last night. So, that is probably why."
"Did I try to do anything to you?" Joe asked, his cheeks slowly reddening.
"No, you only told me you called because I was your boyfriend."
"Good. Thanks for looking out for me even after everything that happened. I really appreciate it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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