Chapter 3

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Chapter3 bitches Btw this was inspired by the one and only @_larrylovebirds_ yes thanks katie i wuv u and everyone who reads,votes <3

Phil's POV

After Dan had left i decided to text Abbagail guys no stop shes not my girl friend tho it would be quite nice if she was but she would never like me in that way because like well i dunno,i havent even told dan about her.

hey wanna meet up-P
Hey phil yeah sure-A
Starbucks half5?-P
Yeah sure theres something i wanna tell you anyways-A
Yeah same see you there-P

I cant believe im going to tell her i like her.Wait where is dan going ?he'll prob be out with the foursome.

Time hop to 5:15

Ok phil your ok your okay your 'okay'(quote it from the vine)god phil.i have on My kitten top,Black skinnies and a pair of black converse and quite ovbs a coat because of the 'typical british weather' i check the time.i bet london loves to see a wet sprinting for starbucks phil (*laughy face*)

I get to starbucks and see Abbagail we talk about a few random things i told her liked her she said the same .Happy thing right?no.she has a boyfriend!Ughhh anyways we said are goodbyes and then i left by this time it was quite late so hopefully dan was back.

i walk into see a beautiful little girl she must have been about14?No...Dan didnt HE ADOPTED A MUTHAF...MUTHAGOOSE *(the crowd gasps *gasp* phil almost..Almost cursed ONG)

Ah well i just came in and went to bed but i cant stop thinking about,Abbagail

Chloe's POV
i wake up about 7ish well acc who am i kidding it was acc like 10 Lel
i woke up on Dads bare chest only letting it kick in hes in his boxers well cuz im da rebs im going to not give a shit (OHH CHLOE IS DA REBS)

I poked dan no movement "AHHHH DADDY WAKE UP THERES A FIRE!" HOLY MUTHAFUKIN COW OF JESUS THE SON OF GOD he can sleep through anything!i know ....3...2...1 " AHHH WTF CHLOE IM SOAKING"He screamed like a little girl "sorry,but you wouldnt get up,AND WHERE GOING SHOPPING"im soo excited ive never been shopping "Come on gurl get up where going Shopping"he said in the most feminine vocie he could lel

time hop to leaving the house

Dans POV

"BYE PHILLIP!"i chucked at the the thought i said phillip he hates being called it "DONT YOU DARE EVER!And bye"he screamed

time hop to bluewater(i learnt about this place in geography)

"ohh dan i like this ,DAN look at this ,OHHHHH DANNN!"she kept saying she was soo excited "Dad?What am i alould to get"she asked neverously looking down at her feet "anything you want"i said as camly as possible "OMG REALLY THANK YOU SOO MUCH" she said and hugs my quicky before running way to look at clothes and shoes,She really makes me happy

She got 8tank tops 6long sleeve tops 6pairs of jeans 9different pairs of nike shoes and lets just say it came over 459pounds

When we got home we put everything away nows the time....

Chloe's POV

he showed me how to use it And every thing

"Anything for my Little chloe"he said while laughing his ass off

"Now you off to bed" he said with a pout trying to be srs bsnss

"Awwww ok night daddy,thank you so much for today ily"i said and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Night night"he said and gave me a kiss back and walked me to my room on the way to his.

Srs today was amazing im soo happy to have dan/dad goodbye world (dont worry guys shes going to sleep she isnt dyin)

Guys im sooo sorry i havent updated!Thank you for so many views !Ive never bein soo busy plus some random pedos are sending me messaged lik wtf ,but anyways thanks for reading and voting it means alot,Anyway if yoh read this bit here at the end comment Dans a sexy lama ;) btw someone comment what use want me to call everyone who reads this ! bye guys!

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