chapter 7

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right,guys i know i haven updated in sooo long,i was gonna give up on this story but im starting to get back into these things :) i have two other books planned that already have drafts made but i'll hopefully TRY and update maybe twice every week? and btw guys i went to tatisnof just thought i wanted to tell yous :D

dan's POV

shes sleeping now i think,i should probally go back into my room,but,what if she wakes up again.she'll think i've left her, i'll never leave her...

I promised.

but i am quite thirsty,i 'tip-toe' out the door and just about to walk into the kichen

when i walk into the mother fucking glass door and fucking 'stub' my toE

I litterally lay on the floor crying for about an hour.

phil walks over to me and says ''you ok danny?''

''yeah,fine just in unbearable pain rn wbu?''i say trying to bring out the inner meaness inside of me so i look like a totable badass, but im clearly as imtimadating as 'a pink fluffy marshmallow'

'umhhhh,okayyyy,nm *insert phils cute laugh*'he giggles

'okay' i give an unessaseary repley quoting fault in our starts but he doesnt repley he didnt realise what i meant

jeez....what a fake fan i laugh to myself 

because oh my god im totally so funny ahahhhh.........

i get up of the floor that i have been lying on for about an hour straight

get my water and go back into chloe's room,i lie beside her and place her head on my chest,i can feel the warmth of her breathe on my skin,i can feel the movement under us,i feel like i need to know what is wrong,why is she so upset?whys she thinking like this?

why does she not understand i love her and im never going to leave her,at first i thought the parent thing would be hard and all that.

but honestly,i never thought it'd feel this good to be a 'parent' even just the thought of being responsible for a life,a child,someone to protect to take care of,despite the fact i can bearley look after myself

im enjoying this experince,no not even an experince this,this is forever.i'll always be with her until i die,i'll help her when she needs it,physically,mentally,with money or anything i'll always be there.

she'll always be mine.

ok guys i know its short and just one persons perspective but im still thinking of ideas for books and stuff but i'll probally update more often but just smaller chapters? anyways thanks to anyone who voted or commented really means alot,and i just realised how Many tyPos were in mY L aST fEw chaPtErs so THANK YOU all for not pointing them out ~bekahh

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