chapter 6

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Btw guys im writing this is the movie house (pictures) im supposed to be watch the new avengers in 3D With my friend lauren but im bored and i promised to update today! xoxoxo

chloe's POV

"I love bananas i love bananas i love bananas and sunshine,Sunshine"dan sings to me to wake me up,IN HIS MORNING VOICE to wake me up ,"WHAT" i answer sternly
(A/N my friend lauren went to the toilet and went into the wrong movie room and sat down and then yelled "OH SHIT IM IN THE WRONG ROOM"and then awkwardly walked out ,Well done lauren,Everyone clap)

"were going to starbucks,Wanna come"he says and pouts "Yeah sure,let me get changed.

guys i wrote this ages ago but im finishing this now sorry about the dissapearence xoxox

"what do you want love?"Dad?dan? whatever said "Can i have a hot chocolate please?"i say i put my head down and press my toes into the ground and turn them back and forth,im embarrased im not a coffe person i dont like it.
"Yeah sure"he replied back he didnt sound suprised if you get me?
he noticed that i was embarassed....
We went up the stairs into a booth(guys i know starbucks dont have booths but im pretending because its like a private convo) "you ok Chlobow?"OMG MY FIRST NICKNAME he asked "yeah im fine thanks for the drink" i sayed i smiled...a fake smile... "Chloe love you dont have to thank me for buying a drink"he was right but i was nervous "are you sure your ok you seem down,you know you can tell me anything"he said i guess i should i dont want to keep secerts
"its nothing srs i know it sounds stupid but i dont like coffe tho its the fact that im different in more ways ill never be like the perfect girls know the ones who wear colours dont really need make up the skinny ones all that" i say i feel tears starting to well up in my eyes
"chlobow dont ever think that your perfect now you dont want me to spank you"he says and we both laugh "cute" he says and pokes my cheek "kinky" i say and start dying with laughter glady it was time to leave So i sprinted out before he got me(rebel chloe once again lel)i get home before dad phils in yess i run in and shout "im here mutha....oh hi phil" "hey"phil says he looks at me in dissapointment i go to my room and think about what had happend what i was thinking about....

im 3days clean now i know its not that long but its hard... just one yeah one yeah i grab my 'make up bag' wich i cut a little slip in to put my well blades i ran into the bathroom i seen dad he was watching deathnote on his xbox
i run in lock the door and ovbs do what i was gonna do i told dad that im going to wash my hair i turned on the shower to make noise and sat down and sliced the black through my fragile skin there one...maybe two? two...maybe who am i kidding 7 ...

i cleaned up and wet my hair so he wouldnt suspect anything..i go into the cabnet and get a bandge and put it around my wrist.... i walk out to see phil he grabs me gentally and brings me into his room "chloe..whys there a bandage around your wrist"he says very calmly i like phil hes really kind to me and i trust him but i cant tell him
"Nothing i was doing my make up when i dropped my perfume bottle on my arm it made a small cut thats all"i said "okay well if you ever need to tell me somthing im here and you can trust me"he smiled and pulled me into a hug
its now 8i think ill go to bed not to sleep lol no sleep for me tumblr awaits me XD
"imma go to bed now night night uncle phil*kisses on the cheek*"
i walk into the hall "DAD!" i yell "yeah?"he replys running in "im going to bed now night" i say and chuckle a bit "ok *give hug.....then picks up*ill take you,Want me to sit with you for a while?"he says starring down at my wrist "yeah please"i say he gets into bed with me i have a double bed YAS lyf goals right here guys once again i cuddle in daddys chest tho he has top on ahaha "chloe....why do you have that on your arm?"he wispers
i explain what 'happend' i dont know if he bought it he just said ok and looked abit confused

i drift into a awake but sleeping mode i feel dad getting up and kissing me on the head its really nice to know someone cares about me.

"Chloe move i dont have time for you,you stupid little girl"

"daddy please"i say he pushes me away "Chloe your pathetic why are you still here im going to take you back to the orphage im sick and tried of you,you mess"
i pull on hos arm as he trys to leave

"daddy no please dont take me back im sorry please!"i shout tears rolling down my face
All of a sudden a man comes in and shoots dad blood everywhere.

*end of dream"

"DADDY!!" i scream coming back from my sleep im sweating and im crying dad runs in "chloe whats wrong are you ok OMG your sweating!"he shouts quite worried
"im sorry i didnt mean to wake you its nothing sorry"i say
he comes into bed with me in on boxers again WAIT DID HE RUN INTO MY ROOM IN HIS BOXERS wth even he asks me again what happend to him i told him i was still crying.
after i explained i put my head on his chest i felt him wisper into my head 'its ok chloe ill never leave you no matter what' i felt him draw circles on my back after i fell asleep.

guys please dont even mention how shit this is im super tried but yeah mkbye

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