♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟

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°˖✧✿✧˖° lia °˖✧✿✧˖°

When Kennedy told me all the fears in her head, I wanted to just hold her forever. I reassured her with everything I had in me that I wasn't going to leave- that I was inviting her to grow closer to her. However, I also made sure she knew that she did not have to come. She chose to. We discussed her job and she rang them. They told her she can go and keep her job as it's technically work related. It would be good for her career if she can experience other book stores- I didn't understand it and neither did she but they were letting her go. We spoke to Annie and she was over the moon. 

She was now in the bathroom and I was emailing my agent. I was outlining the plan, the needs of the tour but also lacing it with my excitement. I couldn't wait! My series was coming to an end and it was bitter sweet. This series made me rise up the writing ranks and I'd forever be grateful but at the same time, I was over the moon to start on my next project. 
Kennedy emerged from the bathroom in her pyjamas, her frilly brown shorts, peppered in daisys and white vest, having a daisy in the middle of it. She was tired, I could see it on her face. 
"There you are!" I teased. "I thought the toilet had swallowed you up," I gasped and pulled her into my arms as soon as she was close enough. I peppered her face in immediate kisses and she giggled loudly, squirming in my arms. I stopped kissing her and she lay placid in my arms. She looked up at me with innocence shining in her eyes. 
"Do you want your," I checked the time, 1045, "not so midnight boobie snack now?" She giggled loudly at what I called it but nodded. I smiled as she repositioned herself in my arms and I lifted up my top. She began suckling and I let the top fall back over her face softly. I held her close, making sure my laptop was safely on the other side of the bed. I began to rock her, coaxing her to sleep. It had been a long day for her. 

"Wakey wakey little love," I mumbled in her ear. It was the next morning and I felt well rested. I hope she did too. She stretched from her stomach, onto her back but kept her eyes closed. 
"It's adventure day," I smirked. We used saturdays as our day outs- even if it's just out to the park or to the bookshop. 
"ventwure?" she mumbled in her baby voice and I smiled. I put some curled hair behind her ear. 
"Sure is bubba. I've got an exciting trip planned today!" She yawned and stretched out again. Today, I was going to take her to Edinburgh mueseum. It had dinosaurs and my little baby loved dinosaurs. Not as much as books, but it was still up there. She'd only been living in Edinburgh three months so far but she'd not really explored the city- hence why I use saturday's to let her! I'd lived in Edinburgh since 18, attending the university. Almost ten years and I was loving it. I knew the city like the back of my hand. 

I let her get up and get through the bathroom before helping her get changed. 
"Right then little love," I said, putting my hands on her hips. She looked at me with them god damn innocent blue eyes yet again and I swear I fall more in love with her everytime. "Do you want to wear a pull up today?" She let her mouth fall open slightly as she thought about it, showing me her teethies and I giggled. She looked too young and blessed for this world. 
"We be busy?" 
"It may be busy where we are going." We weren't going to be too busy and I knew she'd be able to get to the bathroom if she told me, but well, that was the problem. When she was little, her verbal capacity lowered considerably anyway and in public, when we're in lots of busy areas and she's small, she often won't speak at all and it's up to me and my caregiver instincts. On top of that, I knew she'd get excited and well- she's a little puppy. 
"Ma," she mumbled, sitting herself on my lap. I chuckled and held her close. 
"Should mama make the decision? I think someone's feeling a little too small to choose today, hm?" I smirked softly and kissed her temple. She nodded and snuggled into me. 
"Alright monkey, go grab mama a pull up from the drawer," I tapped her thigh and she got off me. She walked over, putting one foot directly in front of the other, holding her arms out to balance herself. She was too cute.
What I loved most about Kennedy is that no matter what the fuck she has been through, and it's not been easy, she's always so care free and gentle. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body and I cherish that. She's the sweetest little one I've ever known and I've had my fair share of little ones. She walked back over and handed it to me. 
"Good girl!" I praised she smiled sweetly at me and put her hands on my shoulders  so she could step in. 

"Mamaaaaa," Kennedy screeched, running through the apartment. I swung open the bathroom door and she crashed through it, expecting it to be shut. I caught her as she tripped forwards. 
"What's up buttercup?" I asked, putting some hair behind her ear. 
"My bweakfwast," she mumbled, pointing in the direction of her cereal bowl, sat on the table. 
"Yeah, mama made that for you. Are you going to eat it?" 
"Dirty," she mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows. I sighed, washed my hands and picked her up. I swung her a little in my arms as I did and she giggled, wrapped her legs around my hips. 
"What's wrong with it baby?" I asked, setting her in her chair. 
"Spider," she whispered, pointing at the plastic black spider now drowned in her milk. I looked at her with raised eyebrows. 
"How did a spider get in your breakfast?" I asked. I wanted to laugh. She shrugged. 
"Cwawed," she said, lowering her eyes. I sighed and took it into the kitchen. I poured her milk out and put her food in the bin. I knew exactly why she did it. I'd told her that if she ate her weetabix, we could nurse before my driver gets here. Obviously, she got impatient and tried to think of a way to finish it quicker. She followed me into the kitchen, as she always does when she knows it's milk time. She's obsessed with my boobs honestly. She was cheeky and clever, I knew that much!

Once she was all full up from my milk, I made sure her bag was packed. She was stood by the elevator door, swinging her stuffie. She had a fluffy, cream bunny and it was all floppy and my god, she was in love with it. I got it her the first night we went out together- we went to a carnival. She hadn't put it down since. Her outfit was coordinated with mine today. She had a white, knitted turtle neck on which hung from her skinny arms, making her look even tinier and a dark brown checkered pinafore over the top. She had her sheer white tights on, with white butterflies sewn into them and her dark brown Mary-Janes on.  I had my white jeans on, white shirt and then my dark brown checkered sweater. She loved that we were matching. 
"Come on then bunny," I said to her. I opened the elevator and she jumped in, smiling widely at me. I kissed her head before the doors closed. She grabbed hold of my hand and leaned into me. I was excited for today with my love bug. 

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