♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑛

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°˖✧✿✧˖° lia °˖✧✿✧˖°.

Two weeks down and ten more to go. We'd got into a little routine now and Kennedy was really growing in confidence. Not only when little but big as well, she'd spoken to more strangers these two weeks that she had in her whole life and you could see such a positive effect the trip was having on her. Not only that but we were having an incredible time! She had bought a book in every shop I've done my meet and greet so far and we were running out of room very rapidly. It was okay though. We'd planned for Annie to come and meet us for a few days next week as we were passing through Manchester, where Kennedy grew up. Annie was coming and they were going to visit their dad together and then we were planning a night out too- apparently Manchester had a nice night life? I was a southern girl through and through so I didn't know much but Kennedy was excited. She wanted to see her best friend again too. 

However, right now, I did not want to get out of bed. My head was hurting and my stomach was constantly cramping, as if I might be sick any second. I was expecting it at this point. I desperately needed Kennedy to help me but she was fast asleep and it was impossible to wake her when she was in such a deep slumber. I had texted Addie but it was two am and she was obviously asleep. My body launched forwards and I threw up in the bin beside my bed. I hated being sick. I threw the covers off me and walked slowly to the bathroom before dropping to my knees and throwing up more in the toilet. I hoped I didn't have a bug because then Ken would get sick and that would not be nice to deal with. I can tell you that now. I needed her though. My hair was falling all over the place and I needed a drink but my body felt way too weak to get up. Leaning back against the door, I looked around me. Picking up a t-shirt, I balled it up and launched it at her. It hit her chest and she made a noise before rolling over, still asleep. 
"Kennnnnedy," I wailed. I just needed her to come and hold me, god damn it. 
"Hmm, what?" She mumbled from the bed, surprising me. 
"I need you," I said and threw something else in her direction. She rolled over and looked around, trying to figure out the situation. When she saw me in the bathroom, with the light on and probably vomit in my hair too, she pouted and got out of bed. Thank god. 

°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°

Lia looked awful, respectfully - awful. 
"You need a shower," I muttered, still feeling ridiculously tired. I flushed the toilet for her and took the t-shirt off her head. She whined and shivered and it made me feel awful. She looked so ill and it wasn't like Lia to be this vulnerable. Obviously, she had her little spoon moments but she was always on alert for my anxiety and other issues but right now, the roles had completely switched. 
"Come on, love," I whispered, standing her up as much as I could. She whimpered more but went to sit on the shower floor nonetheless. "If you're going to be sick again, let me know." I said softly, brushing my hand over her head. She nodded softly and I turned the shower on. She tilted her head back as much as possible and I began getting her hair clean. A few minutes later, without warning, she threw up all over the shower floor- which she was sat on. She began to cry then too and I felt even worse. She couldn't do her tour like this. Not this sick. 
"It's okay, you're okay," I whispered, putting her now clean hair behind her ear. I ran my fingers up and down her back, trying to soothe her as I cleaned the sick away. 
"I- I don't feel good," she choked out, reaching for me. 
"I know baby," I sighed. "I'm right here but let me grab a towel." I turned the shower off and dropped it to the floor before going to get her a towel, however, as soon as I moved away, she threw up all over the shower head and herself- yet again. It's going to be a long night. 

Eight am rolled around and she lay in my arms, naked apart from her underwear. I was tired but I didn't dare sleep. She was in a state of sleep and also not sleep. I think she was conscious of being sick again so just let me hold her as she swayed in and out of consciousness. I felt so bad for her. SInce I woke up, she'd been sick eight times- eight times in four hours. I just wished I could take all of her pain away. She whimpered in my arms, shuffling around but I knew she was just in pain and uncomfortable. She hadn't been sick since six so we've had two hours of just constant pain and saddness. 
"Ken," she muttered, rolling onto her back. 
"Yes, love?" I said softly, putting some of her sweaty baby hairs back into her hair. 
"I I have to go sign," she whispered, opening her eyes slightly but I shook my head. 
"You're not leaving this bed until you're at least 75% better. I refuse to let go of you and if anyone wants to argue with me, I'll throw a tantrum," I chuckled and held her closer. 
"But I need to-" she began to cry again and I just held her. "They paid money." 
"I know they did sweetheart but if they were real fans they'd understand you're too sick to do anything. I'm sure your team can come up with a cool alternative-" just then a knock came from the door. I slid out of bed, leaving Lia crying into my pillow and pulled on some shorts. I opened the door and Addie stood there with breakfast in a little bag for us and a stern look on her face. 
"Where are you both?" She asked, looking at her watch. 
"She's sick," I sighed. I'd grown to like Addie quite a bit more over the last two weeks, but only as big me- I still couldn't slip with her- I didn't know why. 
"What do you mean she's sick? How sick?" I pulled the door open more, inviting her in. I didn't care that Lia had no clothes on, I don't think Lia cared either. Addie had seen much more than her tits. 
"I mean she's been throwing up all night and can't get out of bed. She can't do anything today." I sat cross legged on her bed and Lia put her head in my lap, automatically, I ran my fingers through her hair. 
"When was she last sick?" 
"At about six but that's not important. She'd boiling hot and feverish, she's exhausted and emotional. She wont do any of the tour today, I won't let her." 
"We'll be behind schedule," Addie sighed. She took a seat at the other end of the bed and looked sympathetically at Lia on my lap. "We'll have to skip this one and come back at the end, will that be okay with you, love?" She asked Lia. Lia sighed and shook her head, trying to sit up but a dizzy spell hit her and she fell straight back down, covering her eyes. 
"It's going to have to be. You're not going anywhere," Addie said authoritively- her caregiver side coming out and I smiled. Addie was on my side so we could look after Lia 100%. 

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