♥︎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

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°˖✧✿✧˖° kennedy °˖✧✿✧˖°

Two days later and Lia was just starting to improve. She was feeling a little sick but, she'd managed to eat something however, we'd missed a lot of the tour now. Obviously, fans understood but the next meet was in Manchester, my home town. Annabelle was due at the hotel in three hours and we were due there in one. In the back of the minivan, Lia sat with her head on my shoulder, snoring softly. She'd been the sweetest yet most heartbreaking girlfriend when she was sick. Constantly wanting me near her, holding her, kissing her or bathing her. In the last hotel, we'd managed to give her a bath which she insisted I join her in. She slept through most of it. She'd done a lot of that the last few days, sleeping. I didn't mind, it gave me an excuse to nap constantly too but it was so strange seeing her without her little spark. Lia was one of the most hyperactive people I'd met and her head was constantly spinning with words and ideas and she'd blurt them all out all the time. She would have to be moving, or writing, or doing some sort of productive thing at all times or else she'd get too overwhelmed but these last two days, she'd done nothing but lay in my arms- it was a whole new Lia.
I read to her for a while yesterday and we enjoyed that. She started to feel better then, her head didn't hurt as much so we put some music on too.
"Is she fast asleep?" Addie asked me, looking back to our seats.
"Snoring soundly," I chuckled, smiling at her. Addie had helped a lot the last two days. We really got to know each other better which I appreciated to be honest- at first, she was just my girlfriend's best friend but now I could call her my own friend too. She understood that Lia was being emotional and clingy and she'd dealt with this Lia before apparently so she knew all the right moments to be strict but times to be lenient with her. I really discovered a lot more of her caregiver side in proper action and I appreciated that also. I learnt she had her own little who was joining us in the south and America and that made me nervous but I pushed it away for now.
"We're almost there if you want to try waking her up," Addie suggested. I nodded and turned myself around a little.
"Baby," I whispered, moving my shoulder. I held her hand and caressed it before she lifted her head. On her cheek, there was a red mark from where it lay on my shoulder and I giggled at her sleepy state. "We're almost at the hotel," I told her, running my fingers over the mark. She sighed and nodded, rubbing her head. "Does it still hurt?"
"A little," she replied, putting her cheek back on my shoulder. "I want to do tomorrows show though, please," she begged, looking up at me with her puppy eyes.
"We'll see how you feel later on. You're not going out tonight though, neither am I." I told her. Originally, Annie, Lia and I were going to go and visit my dad in his care home before taking him out for dinner (if he's up for it) and then going out to get some drinks after we'd taken him back but I didn't want Lia to go out, even to meet my dad.
"Hm, but your dad," she mumbled sadly. She'd been like this the last few days too, all emotional and upset over the tiniest things. I couldn't blame her at all, she wasn't herself and she didn't feel well.
"It's alright, we can see him another time," I told her. "Maybe even tomorrow."
"But I wanna meet him today," she whined. I chuckled and shook my head.
"You're not well enough today darling. If you're going to meet my dad you need to be your happy and well self!" She pouted but I kissed it away quickly. We hadn't had a proper kiss since she'd been sick, purely because she didn't feel up to it.

In the hotel room, she crawled up the bed and lay down, head buried in the pillow. I chuckled, so much for wanting to see my dad today. I was a little disappointed we couldn't see him, I had missed him. He has alzheimer's and was diagnosed 5 years ago. He was okay at the start, it was a very slow progression or regression as I should say. However, it started effecting his mood quite significantly and he would get very angry, very fast. It got to the point of violence quite a few times and Annie would have to shoot down from Edinburgh to come and help me as I'd just be in a terrified, regressed state due to trauma from our step-dad at a young age. Then when dad started to go missing- it started off with hours and turned to days. After he was gone for a week, Annie was adamant he needs to be in a care home- for his own safety and my mental health. I was my dads carer at that point, having to sleep downstairs, worrying he'd be getting out and sneaking past me but also terrified of the mood swings if I confronted him or tried to help him. Obviously, we both knew that it wasn't his fault and he was still my dad, the love of my life. I've never, ever loved anyone more than my dad. He was my rock, my saviour and to see him slowly slipping away from himself was hard. However, knowing he's being taken care of by the best professionals helped eased my mind and although I lived so far away from him now, Annie too, we'd visit him as much as possible.
"Baby," Lia mumbled from the bed, putting her hand in the air.
"Yes love?" I chuckled, she was quite a sight.
"I need you, here," she said and pointed to the space next to her in the bed.
"But what if I want to stay over here?" I laughed, teasing her. I slipped my shoes off but stayed where I was.
"Babyyyyy," she whined loudly, moving onto her back. She looked at me as much as she could and I could see the pout on her face. Giggling, I crawled up the bed and lay next to her. She put her head on my chest and sighed contently.
"Annie will be here soon," I told her, running my hand through her hair.
"Okay, wake me up when she is," she mumbled, closing her eyes. I laughed.
"Okay darling."

"Surpriseeee," Annie said, walking through the room's door. I jumped up as quickly as I could and ran into her arms. My god, had I missed her. She laughed loudly and held me close and kissed my cheek and my head and god I wanted to cry. She held me at arms length and surveryed me.
"Hm, no bruises, no tears, no bites, no cuts- she seems to be looking after you well," she giggled before taking me in her arms again. I giggled in her chest and kept my arms tight around her.
"How's she feeling?" She asked. She knew Lia was poorly.
"She's feeling better, just sleeping it off at this point," I laughed and pointed at the sleeping Lia.
"God, was she really ill?"
"I haven't seen her so not herself in the whole time we've been together!" I explained. She pouted and set her bag down.
"Well hopefully she's starting to feel better now," she said and watched over her before turning to me with a cheesy grin on her face. "How are youuuuu?" she tickeled me and pushed me onto the spare bed, making me squeal and squirm under her. She climbed on top of me as she tickled me and I tried to wiggle free but her knees were securely at my side and I groaned as soon as she stopped.
"How are you baby?" She giggled, sitting on my belly- without weight though.
"I'm good," I told her, smiling.
"Honestly? When did you last slip?" the question was so out of the blue, it caught me off guard.
"Erm," I mumbled and looked around the room. "A few days ago, before Lia got sick."
"That's why there is so much tension in you!" She gasped, rolling her eyes playfully.
"I don't have tension in me!" I said, defensively.
"You don't?" She sat up on her knees, letting me free a little. "Roll over so I have your back," she said. I did so, it was difficult underneath her but I did it. She lifted my top and instantly began massaging my back and shoulders. I smiled- I loved her to bits. She stayed quiet, massaging the knots out of my shoulders and letting the tension go. I didn't know I needed this and it made me emotional. I didn't even realise I was crying until she leaned down and kissed my temple.
"I love you, little sis."

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