Second chance

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            Jeon Jungkook
I grip onto the wheel firmly as I try my best to keep my eyes on the road.

I'm driving Jimin to school today, and it's been great! Until he stepped into this car looking like the prettiest human I've ever laid my eyes on.

I look over and see him focusing on the road, and he doesn't look too happy, which upsets me.

I examine his clear skin, and how his eyes glimmer in the sunlight.

I'm not being weird, I just admit when someone is really attractive.

And my friend here, well, my younger friend, is very pretty.

"Is something wrong, Jiminie?"
I ask.

He looks at me, and shakes his head with a smile.

"Oh, no. I'm alright, why?"

I smile.

"You looked a little sad," I say.

He shrugs and looks out the window.
He's been doing this ever since he was younger. Every time he'd get angry or upset, he'd go silent. Jimin's silence, is what you need to worry about.

"Minnie," I say.

He looks at me with a pink face and widened eyes. He almost looks as if he's blushing, but, I don't want to assume that I make him flustered. It sounds, cocky. But it also, doesn't sound too bad?

For some reason, thinking about having an impact on Jimin, being someone that can make him feel flustered, flattered...someone that truly matters to him, feels good.

"You're silent. When you're quiet, that's when you're feeling the most,"
I say.

He stares into my eyes, and I nearly crash before quickly looking at the road.

"I'm nervous, Kookie."

My heart softens.

"My first day here. What if no one likes me? I can't handle new students I don't know. I haven't seen everyone in so long."

I nod my head slowly at his words sounding so soft and sweet coming from his mouth. I look over and see him pouting in the seat, looking so adorable.

That sounds so, weird, but it's true!
Jin was right, Jimin is a very precious being.

I don't lie.

"Jiminie, you're overthinking this. You are so kind, and amazing. I have no doubt that they will love you, and if they don't, then it's all my fault."

I pull into the school, and stop the car.

"Your fault?" He asks softly.

I smile.

"Yes, it's my fault. If your day is terrible, my fault too. You can blame it all on me," I say.

He giggles cutely, "No, Kookie. I won't blame you! But, thank you."

I smile and ruffle his hair, making his smile fall again.

"Do you not like when I ruffle your hair?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Just, makes me feel like a kid."

"But, you're our little Jiminie-"

"Okay, thank you Kookie! Wish me luck!"

He hops out of the car, and speed walks away.

Okay, then?

Looks like I won't be doing that anymore.

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