Stay Away

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                                    Park Jimin
I squint my eyes as sunlight shines right onto my face.

I move around a little. My bed feels a bit harder than usual. What the?

My eyes then shoot open once I remember.

I look around the room and notice Jungkook isn't here. I almost forgot that I'm in his place.

I lay back with a loud sigh as I stare up at the ceiling.

I got rejected last night.

But, our kiss. Our very last one.

Kookie kissed back! And there's no way, he didn't feel anything.

I want to feel happy about it, but It's hard because at the very end of it...I was still left here all alone.

I pout as I sit up and look around.

Is he home?

I get up and start looking for him. Searching the living room, kitchen, and his bedroom door was open, but with no Kookie inside.

"Jungkook?" I call out. I start to grow really nervous.

I'm nervous to face him. Extremely, but I'm just trying my best to keep my cool. He knows my secret, I was bold last night and I can't go back now. Why sulk over what's done?

Although, I will be sulking once he rejects me, again.

I look out a window above the kitchen sink, and I see Jungkook grabbing luggages off his car. My hands get sweaty just at the sight of him.

He didn't unpack last night?

I step outside feeling anxious, but I have to speak to him at some point.


He looks at me. He doesn't look angry or sad, so that's a good thing.

He looks, fine?

"Oh, hi. Are you feeling okay?"

I'm quiet a little before I respond.

How is he acting so, normal? I mean, he's actually less smiley but I nearly fainted just by saying his name a few seconds ago.

"I am now," I say with a smile.

Only because I'm seeing him.

He sighs as he looks down, "Uh, I think we should talk."

And, there it is. The pit in my stomach. The same one filled with sadness, and embarrassment.

Can I handle another rejection? Just hearing him say he can't return the feelings again, would be awful.

But I need an answer.

"Just say it," I say bluntly.

He narrows his eyebrows.


I sigh as I feel my knees go weak.

"S-Should I keep trying? Or do I give up on you, Jungkook?"

Jungkook sets the luggages down and walks a few steps closer, but we're still far away.

"What?" He asks.

I frown.

"You, heard me..." I'm trying to sound confident, but I just can't. Not when it comes to him.

"I- Give up on me? Jimin, I still want your friendship, I want you around-"

"So it's settled then. We're just friends."

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