chapter 13

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After the meeting with Oliver's father the couples relationship was strained. There was a lot of things that just seemed to tick the other off in private. When they hung out with friends it wasn't noticeable and Oliver didn't want to deal with it at the moment cause any time he tried to talk it somehow lead to an argument and he wasn't in the mood. He needed to organise a few meeting with potential new suppliers for ideas he had for new designs and for the expansion of Fusion so there was a lot on his plate at the moment.

He breathed a sigh and began scrolling though his social media when a message popped up from an Justin

Justin- Oli do you want to hang out you can come over to my house and we can chill, Ryan cant make it he's out of town right now visiting his family

Oliver paused for a bit originally he was just going to spend the rest of the day playing chess and doing research on his designs cause his 'boyfriend' wasn't around anyways, he nodded his head and texted back agreeing and went to change his clothing.

"So Oliver what's up your pretty quite, i've noticed it for a bit but didn't want to ask but i have to now so spill" Justin asks in concern, Oliver tended to hide things or not share his feelings in the sense when he has an issue but Justin could see that this particular one was eating him away.

So Oliver sipped on a bit of water as they watched and told Justin everything from the meeting with his father to how he and Regie seemed only to constantly fight after it. Things that usually were minuscule and insignificant seemed major now and it was draining and beginning to now leave a hollow reflection of the relationship they once had.

Justin absorbed all that Oliver told him, nodding along and comforting the taller male. He and a few others did think there was something wrong but didn't want to pry since neither Oliver or Regie said anything.

"I feel you guys need to have a long chat and discuss and share everything about how you guys feel because Regie might be feeling he isn't enough for you especially when you father said what he's said and the other things you have told me" Justin says

"But he is enough I haven't given him a reason to doubt about out in the slightest its just frustrating  cause all it looks like is that he doesn't trust me" Oliver says combing his hand through his hair in frustration

"What i say is have a romantic evening you guys favourite thing maybe restaurant or anything that comes to mind and have the conversation in that atmosphere it would surely help it all" Justin says explaining his Idea Oliver nods and agrees he'll make romantic evening just the two of them and they will sort out the issues once and for all.

"Thank you Justin"

The two men go back to watching their show and eating snacks.

It had been a week since his conversation with Justin and Oliver had told Regie that he should come to his apartment the following Friday which was a week from then. It was a bit awkward asking that especially since the whole thing Regie started to go back to his more often than not. Both of them have empty beds and miss each other's warmth. Oli was going to fix it no matter what.

Regie had agreed with no problem saying he'd come over; he was tired of the tension between them.

The Friday came quicker than Oliver had expected he'd been planning it all throughout the week going to various high end shops picking Items that Regie would like at this point he had a whole store's worth of items. He took his time to learn some of his favourite dishes and bought decorations and which he had hand blown and hand placed all by himself a cheese platter on a bored and selected some of his favourite wine and a mixture of Regies favourite food and his.

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