chapter 15

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Oliver and Ryan talked later on the latter still telling him to get it together but they were friends again none the less, now Ryan was on a little trip with Sebastian to China.

Oliver was now in the office after speaking to some clients eating a few chips and drinking some Iced coffee. He'd been busy for a while and hadn't been able to plan the beach surprise. He didn't know when the door opened and an excitable Regie. He wrapped his hands around Oliver's shoulders giving him a kiss on the cheek "how are you baby" Olive r laughs lightly

"I'm fine actually there's something I want to discuss with you"

Oliver tilts his head but encourages him to go on

" so you know I've been looking into some personal endeavours and I'm in the works of making a styling agency" He smiles Oliver smiles back but it didn't reach the corners of his lips he was happy that he found what he wanted to do but hurt that Regie excluded him from a big proportion of his life.

" I am so happy for you baby your working so hard" he hugs him

"I know yeah Celeste and Orion said so too" he chuckled, that was another pang solidifying he was the last to know even when he was his boyfriend. He bites his lip and breaks away from the hug keeping the smile on his face.

"I'll be quitting I've submitted my resignation to HR" Regie says

"Oh wow you've had this planned for a long time haven't you" Oliver says a bit quiet, you need to put in a 3 month notice for resignations so even before 3 months ago he'd written it etcetera.

"why didn't you tell me" Oliver asks

Regie brings Oliver closer " I was going to tell you but a lot of things just came up. We were constantly fighting and it just never came up" Regie shrugs slightly. Oliver was trying his hardest to buy the excuse he really was but he couldn't.

"But you were able to tell Celeste and Orion and I assume Kane and Sebastian, who knows Probably my friends know about it to" Oliver says breaking away from his embrace

"This is why I didn't want to say anything we will just argue" Regie says frustrated

"What do you mean why are you trying to turn this on me YOU'RE the one who kept this big thing unknown to me when throughout this relationship I've been trying to be Open and transparent with you" Oliver says matching his frustration. "Can we not do this now it's not the right time or place"

Oliver scoffs "It's never the right time or place when it comes to the emotional aspect of our relationship"

Regie looks at him affronted "What are you trying to say? We are in the office and we need to keep it professional" Regie replies back

Oliver just rolls his eyes "Yeah right like when has that stopped you"

Regie takes in a breath to calm himself " you know what Oliver I'm not going to do this with you"

Regie walks out.

Oliver sits back in his desk chair he can't believe Regie when it's time to be adventurous or when he wants to rub one of the office was totally the right place.

He couldn't help but remember one of Ryan's many interventions 'stop holding onto a rope that is already cut'

AN- no note this time (little ironic)

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