Chapter Two

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"Wanda, honey, long time no see."

You weren't very sure what you were seeing. The woman in front of you didn't look like a witch of hundreds of years - She looked like an ordinary lady from the American suburbs.

"Are we really in the right place?" You whispered to Wanda, but she wasn't even looking at you, but forward, having assumed an oddly tense posture since the woman opened the door.

"Hi, Agnes." Says the redhead forcing a smile. The older woman seems very happy to see her again and quickly makes room for you two to enter, gesturing in encouragement for you to do so quickly. You try to exchange a glance with Wanda, but she swallows dryly and quickly turns away, entering with her head down.

It's only when Agnes goes to pour tea for you, and Wanda spends a good five minutes twiddling the rings on her fingers before the other one comes back and leaves the full mugs on the table, that things escalate faster than you can keep up.

You barely have time to thank her for the drink when Wanda moves her hand, and the lovely Agnes reveals herself as an angry witch dressed in purple. She doesn't hesitate to conjure a dagger, advancing toward the redhead, but you are moving on instinct, covering Wanda's body with your own.

"Wow, what the hell is going on?" You tried with your body tense, and your hands raised in the air - The silver blade against your throat.

"Get out of my way, I have unfinished business with this wretched witch." The older woman ordered, her eyes glittering with fury. You swallowed dryly.

"Look, lady, I don't know what happened between you two, but I'm sure we can come to an agreement..."

"You don't know? Oh, I'll tell you." She interrupted angrily. "She trapped me in that disgraceful spell! Imprisoned in this place for two whole years. Listening to her nightmares, reliving bad memories. Do you think I want to chat? I'll kill you too if you don't get out of my way!" She threatened last, her grip on the blade growing tighter.

You cleared your throat, you could feel Wanda tense up behind you, and from the way she didn't try to defend herself, it wasn't hard to assume the whole thing was true.

Agatha forced the blade again, and you felt your skin burn a little.

"Don't bother." You warned her without losing your serious posture. "The blade won't hurt me."

She frowned softly but risked forcing the dagger in a little harder, and you sighed a little at the pain of the cut.

"But you bleed good enough." She argued and got a sad smile from you.

"Yeah, but it doesn't kill, rest assured, other people have tried for a long time. You can thank Daddy Tyr for that." You retorted with a weak laugh, risking moving your hand slowly when Agatha's firmness faltered. You started to push the object away from your neck, watching for any further reaction, but she allowed it.

"I know you. You're the daughter of Tyr, the Nordic god of War. Captured by the Nazis at age of six when you blew up an orphanage before the witches of the north got to you. Joined the Avengers after Captain America saved your ass from them." She stated surprising you a little, and you let out a small laugh, raising an eyebrow.

"Fan or hater?" You joked, but the witch didn't smile, throwing her chin forward softly.

"I've seen you in her head, dozens of times." She explained. "The Asgardian she was secretly in love with, a touching story, really. I would have bewitched your mind and put you in to do the work of figuring out what the hell was going on, but you were in another galaxy. Dead brother had to serve."

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