Rick grimes

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Here you go @Elene9522

Around season 2
Also Lori is not here so they are not together. So Y/n and Rick are already together

You've been at hershel's farm since the beginning he thinks the walkers are sick and puts them in the barn I mean it's his place so I have no say in this.
"Alright I'm heading out now" otitis says as he kisses his wife. "You be safe now" Patricia says worring for him "I will" he says as he leaves the house and heads for the woods.

I sigh as I look at them all lovey dovey "Is something wrong Y/n?" Beth says looking at me "Just miss my husband and our kid" I say looking at the floor "you had a kid and a husband!?" Beth says sitting next to me smiling "yeah I did" "Could you tell me about them?" She says "sure what do you want to know?"

"Uhh what's their names?" "Rick is my husband and Carl is my son's name" Beth was about to say something else when we heard a yell for help

"When we got outside I stood there like a deer in headlights "R-Rick" I said as tears fell down my face. He freezes and looks at me and starts to mumble to himself "Rick what happened to Carl" I say looking at my boy who has blood on his shirt and looking pale. "He He got shot by him" he says nodding his head towards otitis. "I I didn't see him I promise" he says crying and panting from the running.

hershel finally comes out "What's all this noise about" he says "Please hershel you have to help my son" I say as he looks down and sees him bleeding "get him in the house" he demands as he rushes inside


I was next to Rick and Carl holding both their hands "Where were you" Rick says looking at me "When?" "At the beginning you weren't with Carl and Shane when I got with them" he says tears still in his eyes "I was at the store getting stuff when it happened and I asked Shane if he could watch Carl for me, but when I came back they weren't there and the house was a mess so I packed my stuff and left I kept going untill I was out of gas I wondered for a while untill otitis came a brought me here" I said looking at Rick as he looked back at me. He smiled and leand towards me and kissed me I smiled and kissed him back
"I missed you"
"I missed you too"

Thank you for reading
Word count-453

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