chapter three

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Envy's pov

"Well , yes that is normal for you to feel this way" he responds

"Then why did that asshole always (former father) yell at us for it?" I yell back confused

"You see, he as you know was very controlling and didn't support emotions much as they where a 'human' thing according to him" he replied softly and sat down next to me

"Now that he is gone its ok to feel this, you know?" He says and puts his arm over my shoulder, normally i would have pushed him away but i was in shock

" but- but he always told us we were weak for having emotions other than what he 'gave' us" i asked confused and looked at him

"Its ok bud, i understand this is confusing for you" he pulls me into a hug and talked softly to me

"If you want to accept emotions Thats your choice"

I feel myself self start shaking and a small amount of warm liquid streak down my face and wipe it off "thank you for telling me dad i need to go now" i tell him and stand up

"Any time buddy im here for you" he reply's and lets me leave

Y/n's pov

As i eat dinner i talk to Roy about what happened at his work while i was gone

"Full metal found a new type of stone similar to the Philosophers Stone but blue" he said frustrated " they found it in the old hideout for those monsters"

"Monsters?" I asked

"Homonculous" he says in a disgusted tone and i reply

"You mean envy? And the other ones?" I ask

"How do you know about those creatures" he yelled at me

"Well" [shit what do i tell him] "well he helped the old man that saved me by beating the ever loving shit out of one of the men" i tell him nervously

"Envy? Help a human?" He says looking surprised " your lying, what does he look like!"

"A cross dressing palm tree" i tell him with a smug look

"Where did you see those monsters, we've been looking for those creatures for months and they are in line for execution if ever caught" he growls at me and grabs my arm

"ROY!" I hear Riza yell to him and grabs him by the ear "she is a child DO NOT yell at her" she yells at him

"SHE KNOWS WHERE THEY ARE" he yells back and hits the table breaking it causing her to fall to the floor " I DONT CARE WE NEED TO FIND THEM"

I stand up and look him in they eyes and calmly say "if you continue to act like an ass i will ignore you again " And walk over to help her up leaving him standing there shocked

"Are you ok Riza?"

"Yea, thank you y/n" she responds and dusts herself off

Envy's pov

As i sit there i hear four light knocks on my door

"Come in wrath" i say softly and look up at him

"Whats wrong?" You look upset he asks looking at me with a concerned look

"I was just thinking thats all"

"About what" he says and pokes my arm

"Do you know how we found your stone?" I asked


"After what had happened on the promised day pride went over To look at wraths old body to see if his stone was still in one piece and saw the deep red shimmer of the stone"

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