the past behind the mask part 1

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if you read the book the valley of white petals, she came from that town and was taken at the age of 5 to the  program that wanted to create $^#$I#%!^$ and she was one of many including y/n 

when she was six they started to prepare her for the experiments by helping her gain a high pain tolerance witch inevitably caused many many scars that litter her body including her face witch she hides behind her mask, when she was eight they made her open the*&^%$!##$% and they created what she is today, a five tailed kitsune wolf creature that can heal at remarkable rates but not in the way homunculous can but she can heal any wounds but she cant regrow limbs. 

they taught her to fight hand to hand, with knives, and with swords. they where quite abusive to there 'patients' and caused many to have ptsd. they starved ,beat, and isolated the 'patients' as punishment.

the military discovered this 'program' when y/n turned 12 and Kayla turned 11 and they shut it down and put the children into the foster program.

y/n and kayla where adopted by madam Christmas and where given the last name mustang, kayla constantly hid her face due to her scars and Roy made a kitune mask with the help of riza and y/n in his free time and gifted it to her as a late birthday present as her birthday was the month before. kayla and y/n have a close bond with Riza and Roy as the two let the girls into their house and took care of them.

kayla is incredibly over protective of her family and would do anything to protect them. she befriended Edward and Alphonse  and learned alchemy from them.

kayla has a large burn scar covering the upper right of her face down to her eye witch affected her sight in her eye. she got the burn scar from one of the 'patients' who had a type of flame alchemy created by the program during a sparing session 

340 words

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