chapter 5

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3rd person pov
As kayla went into the building through an open window a person rounded the corner and she jumps back behind the curtains that brushed against the floor
*crap that was really close*
A bloody person started to wine about smelling another person in the room
"Gluttony calm down no one is here its likely the neighbors" a flowery smelling person comments
"WELL im still going to look" the bloody man yells
[Shit there going to catch me] Kayla thought to herself as she waited for the bloody man to turn around as she peaks around the curtain 
"I smell wisteria and fur!" The fat man states as his stomach growls
"Then its probably an animal outside" the female tells him
"Whatever..... Can i get something to eat?" The fat man asks softly wile tugging on her dress
"Gluttony, where homonculous we DONT need to eat" she says softly and pats his head
[I can smell the minty scent] kayla thought [they must be near]
"Hey lust, Hey glutton" The mint smelling person says grumpily
"You sound mad? What happened" the fat man says quietly
"Remember that kid i found? Well some man attacked her and i killed him" he announces
"Found him" She utters to herself and throws a wisteria bomb at the group
/she makes wisteria bombs out of wisteria extract that catches fire on impact and burns up the surrounding\
"SHIT" envy yells and jumps away from the fire "what was that? It hurts a lot" He asks himself while rubbing the burn on his arm
°the smoke clears°
lust and gluttony leave

"you can deal with this envy im tired" the flowery smelling lady states 

Envys pov
[The smokes clearing]  i think to myself and then i see a creature with a mask on "who. Are. You." I growl at the being
"im no one of your concern, now why did you harm y/n." The masked creature asked me
"You've got me wrong, i didnt harm her for i actually saved her" i state proudly
"Bull shit, now tell me" the tailed girl appears in front of me faster then i could blink and then she puts her sword to my neck
"Why did you harm her" they growl
I notice 5 tails swishing violently and a pair of ears flattened to their head in anger
"I see your a kitsune" i say coldly and the kitsune slices my head off
Kaylas pov
"Good luck you monster, that has wisteria poison on it. You'll take double the time to regenerate" i say coldly and let the blood drip into a small flask and drop a smoke bomb
"Careful homonculous mustang will be informed of this location if you put your grimey paws on her again" i say as i climb to the window
"And how would you know dog?" He says snarkily
"Easy, i can smell you on her" i say with a smile and leave
I sit in my treehouse that's in a old wisteria tree and examine the blood "odd, it doesn't mix into water and it doesn't have the normal sent of blood" i say as i put it up to my nose "it smells rotten" i say and close the bottle
"KAYLA" i hear from outside
"Coming" i jump from the tree and see y/n
"Hi kk" she says as she hugs me
"Hi goober" i say and hug her back
"Cmon i want to hangout inside its cold"
"OK lemme clean up and ill be there in a minute" i say happily and climb up into my tree
Time skip again /sorry\
i lean into y/n's shoulder tired from my lack of sleep *NOT A SHIP SISTERLY LOVE* she pets my head and i slowly sway my tails happy from the affection im receiving 
" i was so worried when we found you...... also what happened?" I ask
Y/n explains
"So i blew up the wrong person" i mumble quietly
"You WHAT" she asks surprised and stops patting my head
"Well... i smelt the homonculi envy on your cloths so i tracked him down and attacked him with wisteria posion and told him to stay away" i say softly and look up at her
"KK... you shouldnt have done that" she says and hugs me
"It was in the moment and i was blinded by rage- maybe i should say sorry" i wisper
"Ill take you there tonight wile brother is asleep ok?"
"Ok" i say and look up at her "can i do your hair?"
"Mhm go ahead" she says and turns around
" i love your hair its so pretty" i say and brush it out
/so kayla can be clingy and affectionate when she is with people she trusts\
" i like how yours fades mine is just *hair color* and i wish it naturally fades like yours" she says to me softly
"No. Your hair is beautiful and you take much better care of it then i do mine" i say sternly while grabbing her nose
"Let go of my nose" she says and rub's the spot i was pinching
"You need to stop putting yourself down"


"You need to stop putting yourself down" kk says and flicks my forehead lightly and i pat her head
"Hmph" she grunts and crosses her arms trying her best to stop her tails from wagging "im serious y/n you need to stop....... Thanks for the head pats" she whispers the last part
"Your welcome kay" i say and lay her down "you've got to go to bed now its getting late" i stand up to go to my room
"Stay with me" she says and pulls me down "its cold" she mumbles
[its funny, im the youngest yet i act like the oldest] i lay down next to her my back facing hers "good night kk" i say and set an alarm for midnight
<5 hours later>
"Mhph" i try to sit up and push the button only to be held in place by her tails *sigh*
" cmon kay we need to go" i say gently and shake her awake
"Five mur minutes" she grumbles and covers her head with a blanket
I turn on the light and take the blanket off her head "no. We need to go its midnight now"
"Fine... can this be quick tho? His smell is- sickening to say the least" she sits up and goes to change her cloths
"You dont need your knifes kay they know not to attack me" i wisper and knock on the door
*yawn* "whose there" i hear a feminine voice
"Its y/n" i say softly "and someone who wants to say sorry"
"Huh? Who would- YOU?!" she yells when she sees kayla
"Uhm- hi?" She says softly standing behind me
"Your the one who blew us up" she growls at kay
"Well y/n was injured and i smelt the palm tree on her so-" she said rubbing the back of her neck "i guess im trying to say sorry"

time skip

"Ow i cant believe you let her hit me" kay grumbles wile rubbing the back of her head

"well you did blow her up" i hummed and looked over to her to see her with a small smile on her face

"we sould get going soon brothers going to wake up" she looks at me and taps my shoulder "YOUR IT" she yells and runs off

"HEY no fair you got a head start" i yell after her

time skip /sorry\

"haha i won" she says quietly and pulls herself up into the window only to fall back out with a yelp 

"RUN" she yells 

"why?" i ask and look up to see brother pissed 

"AHHHH" i yell and run away towards our tree house

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE Y/N" i hear brother yell 

"YOUL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" i yell and  round the corner to a dead end and boost myself with my wings over a wall and start running again 

"heh will never find me now" i laugh to myself and i round another corner to a small patch of woods

"KAY YOU UP THERE" i yell running up to our secrete tree house

"YEA cmon before he finds us" she says and pulls me up 

kaylas pov

"YEA cmon before he finds us" i say and pull her up into the tree "did he follow you?"

"no i went into a dead end and jumped a wall and from there i didn't see him again "she declares proudly

"your hilarious Goober" i laugh covering my mouth

"its nice to see you this happy" y/n whispers to herself 

[i wish sister was here laughing with us too] " you think she would be proud of us? you know for like getting this far in life" i ask softly

"yea i think she would.........i wonder if she watches down on us" she utters and leans on my shoulder *yawn* "im tired" she mumbles

"go ahead ill bring you home later when he calms down" i wiper to her and lay her in my lap laying my tails on her like a blanket and i drift off into sleep




"SISTER" i yell and catch her "are you ok?" 

"y-yea dont w-worry about me keep going ill find you" she utters and stands up only to fall due to the wound of her leg

"no you cant right now ill carry you" one of the other patients say and pick her up "its all i can do right now sense you helped us out"

time skip

"NO Y/N" sister yells and pushes her out of the way of the guards "GET OUT OF HERE"

"$^%&# take y/n please we will meet at the randevu where the state should be" i say holding back tears 

"KAY SISTER NO" y/n yells trying to wriggle out of $^%&#'s arms 

"Raven i got this just go your hurt" i say sternly wile dodging the guards attacks "i may be younger but im the stronger between the two of us so just go"


i gasp and look over to see sister covering a wound on her leg that was bleeding a lot 

"NO- no no no no sister, sister stay with me" i yell and rip off a part of my shirt to tie around her wound


1622 words

sorry for the delay on the chapter my insomnia was killing me and i was catching up on sleep hope you like the chapter and ill be posting again possibly next week

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