one. hackett's quarry forever

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hackett's quarry forever


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20:43 | JUNE 24 - LYDIA

"CAN I be honest? I'm so nervous." Lydia chuckled lightly as she placed a folded shirt on top of the pile of clothes in the duffel bag sitting on her bed. Then, she zipped the bag closed and grabbed her phone from her shoulder.

"Nervous? Why?" Laura asked her over the phone.

"Just... like, being away from home for so long. And then the new people, the kids... Like, I'm not used to that." Lydia trailed off.

"You'll be fine, Lyds. It'll be fun." Laura assured her.

"I guess. I'm just not that good with strangers, that's all. I mean, you know that already." Lydia admitted, grabbing her bag with her free hand and setting it on the floor.

"Well, me and Max will be with you, so no worries." Laura told her. "Oh, and by the way, me and Max are gonna head out to the camp tonight. Scope things out early." She mentioned.

"Really? Is that even allowed?" Lydia asked as she sat on her bed.

"Yeah, I made sure to call Mr. Hackett beforehand. He knows we're coming." Laura assured.

"Hmm...okay." Lydia shrugged.

"There's always room in the back if you wanna come with us." Laura offered, to which Lydia smiled before looking down.


(Go one night early)

(Go tomorrow)


Lydia chose to go tomorrow.

"I'm cool." Lydia refused.

"Mm, suit yourself. Okay, well, I'm gonna go help Max with the bags. Gotta finish getting ready." Laura said. "I'll see you at camp." She finished off.

"See you there." Lydia replied before hanging up the phone.


Mysteries Left Unsolved:
- Lydia chose not to go to Hackett's Quarry with Laura and Max one night early.

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