. • - epilogue

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THE Hackett's Quarry massacre had a massive effect on the lives of those who had survived it, leaving a huge dent in each and every one of them

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THE Hackett's Quarry massacre had a massive effect on the lives of those who had survived it, leaving a huge dent in each and every one of them.

It wasn't as relieving as the young adults hoped it would be returning home, especially given the police kept everything they had shown them on the down low.

But not just that, of course. Never just that.

For all of the youths, it was different.

The horrors of Hackett's Quarry latched onto all of them in many different ways.

For Jacob, it came in the form of guilt. He gave his parents a bit of a fib-  half-truth kind of explanation as to how him and the others got stuck at camp in the first place.

Y'know, some idiot broke the van and caused them to get stuck at camp for an extra night, and they got attacked. But he would never admit that he happened to be that idiot. The guilt weighed on his shoulders horribly and he couldn't bear sharing what he did with anyone else.

He knew it was his fault his friends got stuck there in the first place. But all he had hoped for was one more fun night before things came to an end. He had no idea what he was causing.

There were things he just couldn't unsee. Those disgusting creatures of the night and the sound of their snarls. And that corpse. God, the sight of that bloated corpse chained down in the water never failed to overwhelm him with nausea. It made him never want to step near a pool or lake or ocean again.

He kept close contact with Kaitlyn, always latching onto her for support even though he'd never be one to ask for it himself. He enjoyed her comfort. Thanks to her, he didn't feel as alone.

As for Emma, he would browse her Instagram from time to time and occasionally hit her up in her DMs, hoping to get a reply from her one day. He never did.

And that was because Emma herself was quite out of it. She didn't leave Hackett's Quarry the same after what had happened that night.

She had nothing and nobody to keep her spirits up, nothing to stop her from thinking back on the horrors of Hackett's Quarry. She just wasn't there anymore. That bright, smiley, cheerful persona of hers had been ruined. Dissolved.

She couldn't bring herself to post any more content on her social media like she had originally intended to. However, she did keep all her platforms.

From time to time, she would consider posting a photo on her Instagram, but then she'd spot a photo in her gallery that she had taken on that dreadful night and immediately swipe off the tab.

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