ten. lover's quarrel

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lover's quarrel


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23:33 | AUGUST 22 - LYDIA

THE group had headed into the pool house as Ryan suggested they should, Lydia tending to Nick while the others chatted about what had happened at the pool.

Lydia turned on the heater that was found in the pool house and moved it towards Nick.

"Lydia..." Nick muttered.

"Hm?" Lydia hummed in reply.

"Fuck... I'm sorry..." Nick apologized.

Lydia frowned at Nick, then she shook her head and gave a small smile. "It's okay. Just try to get some rest, alright?" She told him, moving a few strands of wet hair out of his face before getting up. "I'm gonna go see if there's anything else I can get you. There's probably some more towels around here somwhere." She said before turning and walking away.

Lydia then released a sigh as she began to walk around the poolhouse.

Something weird was clearly going on with Nick. And not just him. Lydia knew something was going on with her too.

The missing bite, the on and off aggression, and Nick's little moment at the pool. There was some freaky stuff going on and Lydia had no clue what.

Especially with the way Nick had acted at the pool, Lydia was starting to worry more and more about him.

Regardless, she still cared about him and wanted to take care of him, given she was at fault for his current condition.

Lydia walked into each and every stall in the room, searching for something to aid Nick. She found nothing useful, but she did find another tarot card.

"Hello, sexy." Lydia muttered as she crouched and picked up the card. "Well, that's another for the collection." She said, shoving the card into her pocket before getting up.



Lydia gasps as she looks all around her surroundings, her clothing torn and her body covered in blood.

"Not gonna help Nick though." Lydia said in dejection as she left the stall.

She then walked over to a locker and opened it, finding nothing but a piece of paper inside. Out of curiosity, Lydia grabbed the paper and looked at it.

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