Hustle Rustle, Easy D & Tommy Tom-Tom

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As Jamille and I walked up to January's room, we heard catcalls from the girls on our floor. 

  "Girl, you are so FINE!"

  "Someone's gettin' some tonight!"

  "Wrap it before you tap it!!" 

We turned around grinning, and everyone on the hall cheered at us. We rolled our eyes and waved and continued upstairs. 

  "Day-UM! Ya'll look HOTTTTTTTTTTTT!" Jan was staring at us with wide eyes and her mouth open. I smirked at her and said, "Told ya!"

She responded with "Yeah, ha you did! Well, here's the thing. I don't want to go with you guys."

  "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" Jamille's voice got really whiny and annoying and both January and and I turned to stare at her

  "Number one. Please never make that voice again." January said, while continuing to do her nails.

  "And two. Why the hell aren't you coming with us, Jannie?" I continued, while making sure my arched eyebrows stayed in place.

  "Well, I kind of just don't want to. I sort of need a break. I'll drop you guys off but... I'll not go."

And no amount of us pleading could get her to go with us. Sighing, we grabbed our ids and walked down the stairs to January's car.


  "Alright girls, this is our stop. Merry, keep your phone on you and call me when you get out." And with that, Jan sped off. 

On our way to the entrance of the club, J and I were trying to decide on our "twin" names.

  "Allie and Sallie?"

  "No, Meredith, that's like really rhymey! Be smartttttttt............ How about.... Kara and Sara?"

  "Now who's stupid?" 

  "Okay, bitch! How about I be Alicia...."

  "And I'll be Felicia!"

  "Perfect!" We shouted together.

We gave each other high-fives right when we reached the club bouncer.

  "Heyyyyy,  ladies! Let me see those ids of yours and then ya'll can go straight in!"

As we handed over our ids he said, winking at us, "If I catch either one of you cheating on me with another guy in there, I'm beating someone up!" We laughed and handed over our cover charge and then we were in!

As soon as we hit the floor, guys flocked to us. So I guess my theory worked! Because we look similar in the dark, guys automatically thought we were twins. Three guys in particular stood out at the end of the night. Hustle Rustle, Easy D and Tommy Tom-Tom. 

These guys looked dirty and grimy and weird but they must have thought we were drunk because they came up putting their hands all over us.

  "Hey baby, what's going on?" 

Oh hell. 

  "Hey boys. What goes on?"

  "I think the question is what are you fine ladies planning on doing tonight? And if nothing, you should come home with us."

The person speaking was a greasy looking, drunk and/or high, and obviously a very touchy-feely guy.

  "And once again you're wrong. The question is who are you?"

  "Russell Poole. But you can call me Hustle Russell."

Jamille and I looked at each other. The hellll?

  "Um.... Excuse me? Did you just call yourself.... HUSTLE RUSTLE?"

  "Yes, baby! That's what they call me!"

I absolutely could not believe this. Something that you have to understand is that when we come out to the club we aren't necessarily looking for our future husbands or anything... We really are trying find nice dudes to talk and dance with and then if something else happens.... But this was absolutely crazy!

  "Okay, Hustle Rustle. And who are your friends?" I shrugged at J and craned my neck to look at the two other guys with him. Russell's hand clamped down on my neck and I froze. OMG, like what had we gotten into?

  "Where you going, baby? And that right there is Tommy and Dustin."

  "But you can call me Tom-Tom."

  "And I go by Easy D."

I cracked up laughing. Jamille had this unsure look on her face, like she wasn't quite sure what to do. 

  "Awwwwwww Tommy Tom-Tom!"

I leaned in and pinched his cheeks. 

  "You are so cute! You look like Patrick Stump!"

He really did though. Wearing my heels and standing on the curb while he was in the street had made me taller than him, so I was able to really poke him in the face.

  "Yeah, I get that a lot." He muttered, while Jam snickered and looked up at Easy D. I noticed that Hustle Rustle wouldn't let her move either. Interesting....

So we stood there talking with these weird-ass creepy guys, and things just kept getting weirder. I was running out of excuses for why we wouldn't go home with them. Jan had called and told us that she had just gotten stopped by the police for speeding and driving without a license. In her efforts to save us from these straaaaange dudes, she had forgotten her purse. I really didn't think that meeting a new guy could be this hard. Like, really?

All of a sudden Jamille's name was called by someone that had just left the club. She motioned for us to come over to where she and a group of other girls from our school were sitting. Smiling, I pulled my hand from Tommy Tom-Tom's (through the course of our conversation he had grabbed my hand and not let go) and watched Jamille try and remove herself from the clutches of Hustle Rustle. 

  "What the hell are you girls doing over there with those creepers?"

One of the athletes that J knew from tennis was interrogating us about the guys. We honestly weren't quite sure how to respond. 

  "Hey, it's Felicia isn't it? Can I talk to you over here for a sec?" Easy D had come up behind me while Jamille's friend was chewing us out.

  "No, she can't talk to you over there, fool! Girl, you better stay here." J's co-athlete snapped at him. He looked at me and I shook my head.

  "Are you girls stupid?"

Jamille and I looked at each other and the guys. We saw them smile and wave at us. 

  "What's the problem, girl?" Jamille asked her friend.

  "Don't you know that guy in the Northface jacket over there is an undercover cop?"

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