The Exponential Hotness of Twins

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I know what that guy must have seen. Two dark-skinned girls with braids and similar features, that were staring at him with wide eyes. Despite the fact that both Jamille and I are legal adults, we did the only thing that we could do. Ran our asses back upstairs to my room, cackling like hyenas. Nearly pushing Amy over, we collapsed on my bed giggling and breathing hard.

  "What the fudge monkeys did you guys do????" Amy looked interested rather than frightened which is the look she should have had on her face. Of course at this point, she couldn't have been surprised. When she became my roommate in October, I think she knew that I am really as crazy as they come.

  "We were-" Jamille cut off with a giggle.

   "Spying! The window-"

   "Through the window, but-"

   "He saw us!" We finished together, breathing heavily and still giggling. Amy rolled her eyes and picked up her key. 

   "I'll be at dinner, you crazy girls! Meredith! Don't do anything stupid!" She called while walking through the door.

  "Don't you know that's totally impossible for her?" Another one of our good friends walked through the open door. 

   "Well, it's good to see you too, Jannie!" I said sarcastically, my giggles finally having ended their course.

   "It's out of love, Merry! I was thinking... Club tonight?" January parched herself on my desk chair.

   "Ooooo yes! Boysssss!" Jamille apparently just could not contain her excitement to be seeing the males that so conveniently hid themselves until we decided to prowl the clubs. 

   "Excuse me, Jamille! Being boy crazy is MY territory!" In all fairness, none of us were really boy crazy. I think the term is..... Boy deprived.

   "Suck my presidential cock, Merry." Jamille stuck her tongue out at me and danced out of my room singing, Ke$ha's "Cannibal". January and I stared at her and then turned to look at each other.

   "That girl..." I started.

Jan shook her head. "No words, Mer. No words. So what are you thinking about wearing tonight?" She moved from my desk chair, and took J's former spot, plopping herself down on my bed. I folded my legs into my body and leaned my chin onto my arm. 

   "Hmmmmm I don't know.... What have you got to wear?"

   "I think I'll wear that cute, little, black dress that I borrowed from Stacey."

   "Jannie! No! That dress has allllll of your booty-boot-boot hanging out!" I widened my eyes at her trying to plead my case. Because if she didn't wear it that meant that I could! It was such a cute dress, with ruffles on the bottom, but the dress itself was short and slinky, just as one would expect any club dress to be. Unfortunately, she saw through my act. 

   "Nothing doing, Merry! I'm wearing it, you aren't. If all of my butt hangs out when I wear it, what do you imagine would happen if you were to wear it, love?" 

Is there even a point in saying that I knew she was right? I pouted for a little bit and then brightened my expression a little bit.

   "I'll wear a sweater dress!" She stared at me and opened her mouth to say something. And then closed it. And then opened it again.

   "A sweater dress, Meredith? Are you high?"

   "Noooooo...... What are you on about, my sweater dresses are cute!"

   "It's just..." It seemed like she was struggling for words. "A sweater dress is so.... Bleugh..."

   "Hon. No. And look to make it even better, I'll get Jamille to wear one, too."

   "Okay, now you've gone too far. It's obvious that you need some fashion help. Why would you wear a sweater dress to a club?"

   "You obviously haven't seen my sweater dresses on me then. Would you like me to try one on?" She was shaking her head before I had even finished my question.

   "I'll be in my room then.... Come upstairs with Jamille when you guys are ready to go." As she walked out of my room, shaking her head, I heard her mutter to herself, "Both of them are wearing a sweater dress. Lord, what have I ever done to deserve this?" What she didn't understand is that tonight was going to be the night that the tables turned for us when it came for guys. Jamille and I have been told that we look similar and due to the fact that we are often together, we get mistaken for being sisters. See, I had a plan. And all I had to do was get Jamille into one of my precious sweater dresses and we could test my idea out in the club.

    The dudes here seemed to be scared of females or something, because it always took them forever to dance with any girls in the club. No matter how many times I went to the club (and there were like 5 or 6 in our current location), all the guys like stood in a line watching the girls grind by themselves. It seemed like a pretty sad existence, in my opinion. My plan was for us to dress similarly so that guys would think we were twins. Where I come from, it's common knowledge that twins are always hotter together than by themselves. It seems to be a running theme with guys. They like our boobs because there are two of them. They like threesomes because of the concept of two girls. And they like twins because of their sick fantasy of having both of the twins at the same time. Thus the Exponential Hotness of Twins.

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