Chapter 3

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    There had been a tense silence since returning from our sparring session. Joshua kept shooting me worried glances, which I returned with annoyed glares. Needless to say, it was starting to piss me off. The only resolution I could think of to this problem was to strangle the guy. Just as I was expecting a few seconds later Joshua glanced at me again. Faster than I could process what my own body was doing I had Josh pinned up against the wall by his neck.

    "What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed. "You've been shooting me these weird looks ever since we came back from sparring, and I've just about had it. So I'll ask again; what the hell is wrong with you?"

  Joshua looked like he was about to go on a killing spree. His eyes were completely black and none of the white parts of his eyes were visible. "Put me down," he ground out. The amount of power behind that one command would have any man or were on his hands and feet, except for me, it would never affect me. I looked at Joshua completely shocked. There was only one way any werewolf could have that much power.

   I felt like I had just been punched in the gut. I staggered back and let him go, not because of his command but because of shock.

You’re an alpha wolf," I breathed out. As soon as those words left my mouth I watched as emotion passed emotion flitted over his face before settling to a look of anger and hurt.

   "So are you," I felt myself pale slightly at the accusation that I couldn't deny. I was about to open my mouth to argue when he cut me off, “Not only that, but you also have to a bloody strong alpha to have been able to resist that."

  “Any alpha would have been able to resist that," I lied. No one would have been able to resist a command that strong unless he was to be a damned powerful alpha also. He snorted.

    "Bullshit," he said, "Complete and utter bullshit and you know it." By the time he was done talking to me he had a full blown glare on his face.

    “Whatever," I said, “Do you maybe want to explain to me how the hell you’re an alpha?"

  "Sure, as soon as you explain where the hell you learned to resist a command like that," I felt like we were going in circles.

     ”You know what, link me when you’re ready to leave for Blood Rose Pack territories. All my stuff is packed already." I knew it was wrong to just walk away from something as big as this but I just didn't feel like dealing with this right now. I was always taught to face your problems head on but this- this wasn't something I could just fix.

     I wandered around the woods for a while letting memories of my past consume me and emotions that I kept tightly closed under lock and key wash over me. I allowed myself this small amount of time to grieve over everything I had lost. It was something I rarely did but right now I felt it was appropriate. I sometimes wonder if I had done something in a past life to warrant all the pain and misery I’d been put through, and if so I also wondered what in Mother Luna's name could have been so terrible.

     For a while I just sat there thinking. Thinking of what I would tell Joshua, thinking of how it would feel to join a pack again, thinking of all the wretched hunters who had caused the Council to go to such mad extremes. At one point my head started hurting from all the thinking I was doing. I looked up at the setting sun and realized just how long I'd been away. 

     'Are we ready to leave for Blood Rose territories yet?' I linked Joshua.

      'Yea,” Was the curt response I got in reply.

      I started making my way back to the cabin admiring my surroundings taking in the fact that it may be the last time I saw what I had called home for the past couple of months, for a long while. I realized I had grown attached to this place. It was secluded and I was surrounded by woods, my natural habitat, unlike hotels where we'd have to be sneaky and not be able shift for long periods of time in fear of humans seeing us. This had been a place where we could shift freely and not have a care in the world, where we could run as fast as we possibly could and not get caught. To me this was my own little slice of Paradise.

      I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I had gotten to the cabin until Joshua called out my name. "Yeah?" I asked. He tossed something up at me and instinctively reached to catch it. When it landed in my right hand I realized it was the key to my car. 

       "You'll be driving the first three hours," he pivoted on his heel and walked back into the cabin and promptly returned a few seconds later landed with boxes. I tucked the car keys into the back pockets of my jeggings and took the boxes out of his arms. As soon as I had them he turned back to get the last of things from inside. Joshua and I never traveled with a lot of stuff just the bare necessities: clothes, toothbrushes, fake ID's, weapons, and those things of the sort.

      I turned and walked over to my car, a white 2013 Mercedes Benz GLK. I'm not a car freak or anything but I really love my car. It got the job done and in return I took really good care of it.

      I popped the trunk of the car and unloaded the boxes into it and waited patiently for Jacob to come out with the last of our stuff. A few minutes later Joshua came out with a black suitcase that I knew to be full of weapons. He pulled out a 40 mm gun from under his jacket and tossed it to me. I checked to make sure the safety was on before sliding it into the waistband of my jeggings making sure it was covered with my leather jacket.

      The ride to Blood Rose territory was relatively quiet. I did, however, notice that the closer we got to the pack borderlines the more uncomfortable Joshua seemed to get. I flicked a glance his way, "What's up with you?" 

      He looked away from the window and his green eyes landed on me. He sighed, "You'll find out pretty soon."  I was about to ask what he meant when I felt the familiar pull of a Pack's territory. The pull was called Rouges Pull. Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. The Pull was wolves from a pack subconsciously calling out to their outcast brother or sister and inviting them join into their ranks. After all what’s a wolf without a pack?

      After a couple months of being rouge I realized that Rouges Pull had a greater effect on me than any other outcast wolf. I assumed it was because I was an Alpha, but I couldn’t be sure. The closer I got to the border lines the stronger the urge was to accept the call and join their ranks. I stopped the car right at the edge of the cut off for neutral territories.

       "Call them," I commanded Joshua.


This is unedited so im sorry for any mistakes. Im also sorry for taking forever to update but ive been really busy. Im working on the next couple of chapters now :) I feel super bad so im going to update as much as possible this week scince im on Spring break right now. Vote. Comment. Fan. Enjoy! Also does anyone want to make me a cover? 

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